Ports and Terminals

Port of Imbituba cargo handling up 18.9% in January

Feb, 08, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202105

Cargo handling at the Port of Imbituba registered an increase of approximately 18.9% in January when compared to the same period last year. Altogether, 407,500 tons were transported in Porto Público, the best volume since January 2016, when 414,900 tons were handled.

Imbituba received 19 vessels in the first month of the year, transporting 12 products. Solid bulk accounted for approximately 78% of the movement. In this group, the largest volumes were mainly petroleum coke (176,200 tons), which grew 128.3% in relation to January 2020, followed by salt (35,600 tons), bituminous coal (33,500 tons), and iron ore (31,500 tons). The weekly container cabotage line also handled 58,000 tons.

Among general cargo, Porto Público maintained its monthly pulp shipment stable at December’s level: 15,000 tons. The highlight of the month was the completion of the first stage of the transshipment of electric cables, a material that will be destined for the new power transmission line in Greater Florianópolis.

Other products that passed through the Port of Imbituba include sodium sulfate (20,200 tons), malt (15,300 tons), MAP fertilizer (6,600 tons), soda ash (8,800 tons), and caustic soda (5,000 tons).

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