Ports and Terminals

Port of Itajaí and Ponta da Madeira TUP lead ANTAQ’s Environmental Ranking

Sep, 26, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201940

The National Agency for Water Transport (ANTAQ) released today (09/26) the results of the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of the country’s port facilities, referring to 2018. In the ranking of public ports, highlights are Itajaí, with 99.48 points, Paranaguá, with 99.29, Itaqui with 95.48, Pecém with 90.80, and Santos in fifth position, with 83.32 points.

Among the private terminals, the best results were obtained by the Ponta da Madeira TUPs (private use terminals), which reached the index of 91.79 points, followed by Navegantes (87.84 points) and Guaíba Island – TIG (87.34 points).

An industry benchmark, EPI is composed of 38 indicators related to legal compliance in force in the country and good practices in environmental management, health, and safety of operations.

Among the indicators that are evaluated by EPI are the status of the environmental license and the existence of operating license, quantity and quality of technicians in the environmental nucleus, risk prevention, environmental audit, ship waste removal action, consumption and efficiency of energy use, fauna and flora monitoring, and health contingency plans.

This is the 11th assessment carried out by the Agency on the environmental performance of public ports and the second involving private terminals. In this edition, 31 public ports and 98 private use terminals were evaluated.

The three biggest leaps in performance in 2018 compared to the previous year were registered by the Port of Ilhéus (BA), which advanced from 42.43 points to 68.63; followed by the Port of Santana (AP), which jumped from 26.87 to 46 points; and the Port of Aratu (BA), which in this last evaluation reached 58.72 points, against 40.81 points in 2017.

Among the private terminals, those of Ilha da Guaíba (TIG), AIVEL, located in Rondônia, and Itapoá had the largest positive variations, with 24.80, 23.50, and 22.90 more points compared to the previous evaluation, respectively.

For ANTAQ’s Environment Manager, Marcos Maia Porto, the data show an evolution in the compliance to the environmental conformity by the public ports. “Of the 31 public ports evaluated, 17 showed positive variation compared to the previous survey. Among the private terminals, only 21 showed evolution in the comparison 2018/2017,” he informed.

In addition to the ranking, the EPI index allows us to monitor the evolution of compliance to the environmental conformity over the years in the same facility. The tool also enables the government to diagnose regulatory gaps, the efficiency, or the need to implement new policies for the port sector, with regard to port environmental management, security measures of operations, and various social and environmental monitoring existing in the licensing processes of ports.

The full list of facilities assessed in 2018, as well as the methodology for index composition and weighting distributed to each of the EPI indicators are available on the ANTAQ portal at the link (http://web.antaq. gov.br/ResultadosIda).

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