Ports and Terminals

Port of Itajaí pushes back against workers’ demands for normalization of operations

Apr, 26, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202310

The Port of Itajaí released a statement on Tuesday (25) in response to the Extraordinary General Assembly organized by Port Workers. The workers voted to send letters to the federal government denouncing the delay in the resumption of port operations, which were reduced following the Bolsonaro government’s unsuccessful privatization attempt of the structure in 2021 and 2022. The workers gave a ten-day ultimatum for the lessee and the Port Authority to present a new plan for the resumption of operations.

In a press release, Fábio da Veiga, the superintendent of the Port of Itajaí, emphasized that the port authority is addressing the workers’ concerns with maturity. He noted that any eventual lack of operations impacts not only port workers but also the entire city of Itajaí, which anxiously awaits port operations’ resumption.

However, the superintendent also made it clear that the port is not idle, stating, “The Port of Itajaí is continuing to operate month after month with other cargo modalities, and we are working diligently to receive container operations at any time.” He also highlighted that the port is working with the current lessee, APMT, and the municipal government to restore the usual cargo flow to the terminal, securing employment and income for port workers and generating economic growth for Itajaí.

Despite workers’ demands, the Port of Itajaí maintains regular operations, including the off-loading operations of motor vehicles transported in Ro-Ro vessels, and has successfully concluded another cruise season.

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