Port of Itajaí renews environmental license for another two years
Jan, 05, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek
The Superintendency of the Port of Itajaí, as Port Authority, had its Environmental Operating License (LAO) 2610/2019 extended for another two years. The document, whose term would initially end on May 14, 2023, was granted by the Santa Catarina Institute of the Environment (IMA-SC).
The IMA monitored several environmental activities throughout the term of the LAO, which found good enough results to be nationally recognized in Antaq’s Environmental Development Index (1st place) for the fourth consecutive year and be awarded 1st place at the Ministry of Infrastructure’s Via Viva 2022 award at the public port category.
“The Port of Itajaí also achieved the 2022 Signatory Seal, committing to adhere to the National Movement ODS Santa Catarina by obtaining the 2022 Social Seal Program certificate, which highlighted the Environmental Monitoring Program of the Port of Itajaí, a program that was always focused on the port-city relationship, that is, external actions that can affect the port operation and vice-versa, prompting adaptations to better environmental standards,” explained José Luis Carpes, a port authority agent.
According to the National Council for the Environment (CONAMA), the Environmental License is an administrative measure by which the competent body approves the location, installation, and operation of a given asset as a possible polluter – subject to regulations and legal provisions applicable to the case. Such a license is granted in the State of Santa Catarina made by the Santa Catarina Institute of the Environment (IMA).
The Port of Itajaí implemented the Environmental Management System (EMS) in 2020, which was certified by ISO 14001: 2015, an internationally recognized standard, bringing an essential and decisive element for the extension (LAO) 2610/2019. As criteria to be considered, the legal provision of Art. 18 of the Resolution of the State Council for the Environment of Santa Catarina (CONSEMA) No. 98, of May 5, 2017, in its chapter VI was taken into account: “The term of validity of the LAO will be extended for 2 (two) years from its expiration date for undertakings and activities that have implemented the Environmental Management System (EMS), only once for each license issued, while respecting the term maximum period of validity provided for in current legislation.”
One hundred twenty days before the license expiration, the Superintendence of Itajaí resented the Certificate and ISO 14001:2015, obtaining the extension for two years until May 9, 2025, which begins to be valid from May 14, 2023. The extension was signed by the president of IMA, Daniel Vinicius Netto, confirming compliance with the standards required by the environmental agency.
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