Ports and Terminals

Port of Itaqui moves more than 25 million tons in 2019

Dec, 27, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202001

Itaqui Port has reached 25 million tons of throughput in 2019, about 12% above 2018. It was among the five best years ever registered for the port. Furthermore it was considered in the top 3 for environmental performance according to Antaq, the water authority. The four main cargoes moved (fuel products, soybeans, pulp and fertilizers) represented R$ 37.5 billion over the last 12 months.

Liquid bulk alone (petroleum derivatives, LPG, caustic soda), accounted for R$ 12 billion, followed by soybeans at R$ 11.2 billion. Pulp cargoes represented R$ 2.7 billion and fertilizer imports accounted for R$ 1.2 million. With these results, Itaqui is among the top 3 ports in Brazil soybean exports and first placed among the Arco Norte ports.

This year also saw four major new expansion projects started in the port (second phase of the Tegram Grains Terminal, plus expansions of the pulp, fertilizer and liquid bulk terminals) as well as the approval by Federal Government of the tender of four new liquid bulk terminals.

2020 Expectations

In 2020, the expanded Tegram terminal will double grain throughput capacity. Operations at Tegram are carried out at berth 103 and from 2020, berth 100 will also be used. By the end of the expansion, the terminal will have a capacity of 14 million tons / year.

In addition, the tender of four new fuel terminals, under the Federal Government’s Investment Partnership Program (PPI) will double storage at the port and should take place in the first half of the year. Private investment is estimated at $450 million.

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