Ports and Terminals

Port of Navegantes sets new containing-handling record in November

Dec, 21, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202052

The Port of Navegantes, Portonave, recorded its best month in container handling in its 13 years of operation, with 93,897 TEU handled in November. The total amount handled so far this year is 798,504 TEU which represents an increase of 16.7% when compared to the same period in 2019.

Portonave received 39,707 trucks in November, an average of 1,588 per day. Last month, the Terminal registered more than 2000 trucks for four days in a row, even registering 2,211 vehicles on the 19th. Despite so many movements, the average length of stay – considering entry, loading, unloading, and exit of the container – was only 23 minutes in November.

Port of Navegantes’s results are due to several factors driven by the resumption of economic growth; Brazil’s GDP in the third quarter closed at + 7.7%. Even with the world pandemic scenario, the port sector did not stop and proved to be essential, both for supplying industries and inputs for domestic consumption and for sending products and raw materials to other countries. Imports, which fell at the beginning of the pandemic until the middle of the year, have recovered in recent months. Exports, highlighted by the favorable exchange rate, represented 35% of the port’s November turnover. The receipt of six extra ship calls in the last month also contributed to the increase in movement.

The completion of the first phase of the New Evolution Basin, which makes it possible for the ports of Itajaí and Navegantes to receive ships up to 350 meters in length, was one of the factors that also contributed to the growth. Since May, more than 40 ships over 306m long have entered the new maneuvering space, a construction project that united efforts of the port authority, navy, pilot stations, and state government.

Consult the following graph for a comparison of container handling at the Port of Navegantes for the period from January – October 2019-2020

Container Handling at Porto de Navegantes | Comparison of January-October 2019-2020 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (to request a DataLiner demo, click here)

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