Ports and Terminals

Port of Niterói obtains Environmental License

Nov, 07, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202142

Together with the INEA (state institute for the environment), Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro (CDRJ) concluded the process of renewing the environmental licensing of the Port of Niterói operating license which had been under analysis since 2017. The new license is valid until 2027 and leaves the Port of Niterói in compliance with environmental legislation.

According to Gabriela Campagna, the port authority’s superintendent of business sustainability, “by obtaining the operating license, the Social and Environmental Responsibility and Risk Management and Operational Compliance teams will be able to develop and promote activities to monitor and inspect the environmental conditions contained in the licensing. This will serve as an important development vector and facilitate attracting new investments in this area, always seeking to improve environmental management processes and aligning with the best global sustainability standards”.

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