Ports and Terminals

Port of Paranaguá to export 6.5 million tonnes of bulk in the 2nd quarter

Apr, 11, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202215

The terminals at the Port of Paranaguá expect to conduct loading operations for at least 6,568,990 tonnes of solid bulk in the second quarter (April to June) of this year. The average per month is usually shipping 2,189,663 tonnes of soybeans, bran, sugar and corn.

The volumes of corn and sugar expected for the next three months are driving the expectations. While from April to June last year, there was no corn exported through the Paraná-based port, this year, operators shall ship 980,000 tonnes of the product. “The expectation is high, including for the volume of sugar in bulk,” says Luiz Fernando Garcia, CEO of Portos do Paraná.

According to him, sugar shipments are expected to increase by almost 8%. In the second quarter of 2021, 1,038,096 tonnes of sugar were exported through the Port of Paranaguá. “In turn, this year, in the same period, the volume expected is 1,120,000 tonnes,” he adds.

The total volume forecast is around 1 million tonnes, less than what was handled in the same three months last year. This reduction is mainly caused by the output of soybeans, which shall decrease both in terms of grain yields and bran. “The drop in production due to adverse weather conditions amidst the crop’s development led terminals to reduce their expectations regarding this product,” he says.

In terms of soybeans, companies intend to ship a little over 2,980,000 tonnes through the Port of Paranaguá in the second quarter. As for bran, almost 1,489,000 tonnes are expected.

Aggregate results  

The export of solid bulk through the Port of Paranaguá in the first quarter increased by 12.3% compared to the same period last year. From January to March, 5,715,000 tonnes of soybeans, bran, sugar and corn were loaded by terminals in Paraná, compared to the record of 5,090,037 tonnes in the same three months of 2021.

“The upward trend in handling seen in the first quarter was mainly driven by soybean exports and bran,” says Luiz Fernando Garcia.

There were 3,331,029 tonnes, about 18.6% more than the 2,809,033 tonnes in 2021. Regarding soy bran, the volume exported was 1,315,233 tonnes in 2022. From January to March last year, the figure was 937,108 tonnes. The increase was 40.3%.

Corn exports remained stable: 514,121 tonnes were shipped this year. However, there was a drop in sugar volume: 554,617 tonnes loaded in the first quarter. In 2021, there were 752,358 tonnes.

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