Ports and Terminals

Port of Paranaguá will modernize the Export Corridor

Aug, 16, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201934

The Paranaguá Port Export Corridor, a system through which grains and bran are handled, will be remodeled and modernized to meet the growing demand of Paraná’s agribusiness. The structure was built in the 1970s. Last Thursday (08/15), Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior was in Paranaguá and authorized the bidding of the basic project of the works.

He noted that, when completed, the modernization will increase the export capacity of the Port of Paranaguá by 40%. “It will give tremendous speed to shipping operations. Parana’s agribusiness has doubled in size every ten years and the Port of Paranaguá, which is the largest exporter of grain in South America, has to keep up with production growth,” said the governor.

At the event, held at the administrative headquarters of the public company Ports of Paraná, Ratinho Junior also announced the entrance of the port administration in the UN Global Compact and launched the online Negative Debt Certificate service and the contest for the design of a tourist building.

The governor recalled that this week Paraná became the first state in Brazil to receive autonomy to manage exploration contracts of organized port areas.

Operational gain

According to the CEO of Ports of Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, the modernization of the complex will optimize the operational gain of the port. “This means lowering the cost of the logistics chain. The ports of Paraná will become very interesting and more efficient for producers,” he explained.


The basic project for the Export Corridor repowering works will be the basis for the executive project and the works that will increase grain and bran shipping capacity through the Corridor’s three exclusive berths by 33%. Higher productivity means shorter uptime, higher vessel turnover, and lower cost throughout the chain.

The objective of the investment is to develop a new system, so that the current productivity of 3,000 tons/hour per berth goes up to 4,000 tons/hour. To this end, the project includes six new conveyor belts and the acquisition of new electromechanical equipment.

In addition to gaining more power and productivity, the Export Corridor will operate with better environmental practices and achieve greater operational and work safety. The new belts will be enclosed, ie. protected to prevent loss of cargo, city dirt, and damage to air quality and the environment as a whole by dust. The same project includes all the necessary works for the Export Corridor to operate at full capacity.

Ports of Paraná initiates actions within the SDGs

The public company Ports of Paraná joined the actions of the United Nations Global Compact Cities program and starts to develop activities within the Millennium Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the event in Paranaguá, Ratinho Junior stressed that Paraná is the Brazilian state that most progresses in achieving the goals of the SDGs and that the port now joins efforts with other state agencies.

“We were in New York a month ago, invited by the UN to talk about it,” he said. “From the moment it adopts this protocol, the port is committed to a series of public policies for sustainable development. And it is already recognized for istrong commitment to the environmental area,” he said.

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