Ports and Terminals

Port of Paranguá vessel chemical leakage mobilizes firefighters

Jul, 12, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202128

A leakage of turpentine, a highly toxic and flammable chemical, was detected on the morning of July 9th in the hold of a ship belonging to the company Terminal de Containers de Paranaguá (TCP). The Liberian vessel Anthea Y docked at the Port of Paranaguá on July 8th at around 10:15 pm and was destined for the city of Santos-SP.

According to employees working at the time of the incident, the site was cordoned off and workers were removed from the ship. Fire Brigade teams were called in to respond to the incident, together with a company specialized in responding to environmental emergencies. According to the fire department, the location is difficult to access and specialized equipment was necessary to get into the ship’s hold.

Source: Bem Paraná

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