Ports and Terminals

Port of Pecém builds up export range and ships 9k t of granite to Europe

Oct, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202242

The Port of Pecém held an operation to send 9 thousand tonnes of granite to Marina Di Carrara in Italy. According to Carlos Alberto Nunes, manager of Tecer Terminais, a company that acts as an operational service provider, a granite export operation shows the growth in the range of products handled in the Pecém Complex.

He emphasized that “the establishment of a shipment of granite illustrates the wide range of products that are received from Ceará and other Northeastern states for shipment to other countries.”

To have a dimension of the diversification of the products that passed through the Port of Pecém in 2022, Tecer Terminais mentioned OTR (off-the-road) tires for high-productivity mining, wind tower technology onshore (blades, one tower, one nacelle, one rotor, and two more containers, fertilizers in big bags, steel coils and many other products arriving from states in Brazil’s north and northeast regions served by the Pecém complex.

Source: Comex do Brasil

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.comexdobrasil.com/ceara-diversifica-movimentacao-de-cargas-no-porto-do-pecem-e-envia-9-mil-toneladas-de-granito-para-a-europa/

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