Ports and Terminals

Port of Pecém grows 109% in deep-sea cargoes

Feb, 19, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202009

Throughout January 2020, 4,025 TEUs were handled between Pecém and other ports in the world. The number is 109% higher compared to the same month last year, when 1,923 TEUs passed through the port terminal in Ceará.

“This growth of more than 100% shows just how much Pecém is increasingly noticed in the international stage. Our equidistant and strategic location in relation to North American and European ports is a differential for players of all sizes. This way our global participation increases and the market recognizes that”, says Danilo Serpa, president of the Pecém port complex.

Jan / 2019

Export: 1,665

Import: 258

Total: 1,923

Jan / 2020

Export: 2,607

Import: 1,418

Total: 4,025

According to the Port Business Manager at the Pecém Complex, Raul Viana, the increase in container movement on long-haul routes is also the result of the new line, which started in September last year, between the Port of Pecém and some Spanish ports and Italians.

“Today Pecém is connected weekly to the terminals of Valencia and Barcelona, ​​in Spain, in addition to the ports of Genova, Livorno and Gioia Tauro, in Italy. We have been operating this new line for just five months, but in a short time we are already reaping satisfactory results, mainly due to the fruit export service ”, says Raul Viana.

Main Products Exported / Imported via the port of Pecém:

Sulphur; earth and stones; plaster, lime and cement; fruits, peels of citrus fruits and melons; plastics and articles thereof; cast iron, iron and steel; paper and cardboard; cellulose pulp and paper works; footwear, gaiters and similar articles; cast iron, iron or steel works; drinks, alcoholic liquids and vinegars.

The following graph, made with DataLiner data, shows the movement of containers in the Port of Pecém in the period from 2010 to 2019:

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