Ports and Terminals

Port of Rio de Janeiro records 9.3 mln tonnes throughput Jan-Nov

Jan, 02, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202301

The Port of Rio de Janeiro had, from January to November 2022, an 9.3 million tonnes throughput. According to data from the port authority PortosRio, this figure represents an 8.3% increase compared to the same period in 2021.

Such positive results, according to PortosRio, were primarily driven by increased containerized cargo movement. Throughout the first eleven months of 2022, the Port of Rio de Janeiro saw 502.900 TEUs, up 16% from a year ago.

The Port of Rio de Janeiro’s revenue, from January to November, reached the mark of R$ 259.1 million, which, in nominal terms, means an increase of 8.6% in comparison with the same period of 2021. The fact that the numbers grew in seven of the eleven months of 2022 demonstrates the consistency of revenue growth.

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