Ports and Terminals

Port of Rio de Janeiro registers 7.42 million tons throughput

Feb, 16, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202008

Last year, the Port of Rio de Janeiro handled 7.42 million tons of cargo, up 3.4% compared to 2018. According to data released this Friday, February 14th, by the management of Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro (CDRJ), the biggest increases were seen in container throughput and dry bulk, which rose 4.7% and 22.3% respectively. According to CDRJ, the two types of cargo account for about 87% of total port throughput.

The study reveals that the Port of Rio de Janeiro handled 370,257 TEU, up 6.5% compared to 2018. According to CDRJ, the majority of full container trade remained in long-haul voyages rather than in cabotage or feeder services.


The data shows that the ICTSI Rio Terminal (International Container Terminal Services), previously Grupo Libra, moved 1.76 million tons of cargo in containers in 2019, up 13.8% compared to the previous year. The result was leveraged by a 44.57% increase in cabotage imports. ICTSI is a global port management company based in Manila, Philippines, which bought the Libra Terminal Rio last year.

CDRJ’s study also highlighted the performance of Triunfo Logística terminal, which registered throughput of 2.4 million tons in 2019, an increase of 9.4% in relation to 2018. The main cargo handled by Triunfo was pig iron, at 1.4 million tons last year.

Source: Agência Brasil

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