Ports and Terminals

Port of Rio Grande hasits best month yet in June

Jul, 21, 2020 Posted by Neeharika Khaitan

Week 202030

Regarding the main destinations and origins of exports and imports from the Port of Rio Grande, there are few percentage differences in relation to the locations dealt with at the end of 2019. China, which held the first place for exports, with 58, 38% of cargo shipped, remained stable in the first place in the first half of this year with 57.27%. On the import side, Algeria lost first place to Argentina, which increased from 9.74% to 12.12% for its share of imports from the port.

The following graph shows the imports and exports carried out via the Port of Rio Grande month by month since 2017:

Source: DataLiner

In the chart below, you can see the main products exported by the Port of Rio Grande in the first five months of 2020 compared to 2019:

Source: DataLiner

In the chart below, you can see the imports made via the Port of Rio Grande in January-May 2019 and 2020:

Source: DataLiner
(To order a DataLiner demo click here)

Other ports in RS

The Superintendence of the Ports of Rio Grande do Sul also released results for two other public ports (Porto Alegre and Pelotas). They showed that the average increase for the three Public Ports that belong to the RS port complex was 6.28% in the semester in comparison to last year.

The sum of the three ports showed a total increase in cargo handling of 1.2 million tonnes compared with the same period in 2019. Total cargo transportation at the three ports (Porto Alegre, Pelotas and Rio Grande) came to more than 20.8 million tonnes handled in the period.

The Port of Pelotas had the most significant percentage increase in the semester at 13.08%, showing a marked increase in its movement of wood logs (14.97%) and clinker (14.81%). In absolute values, the Port of Pelotas handled 59,800 tonnes more than the previous year.

Due to the draft restrictions caused by the dredging work at the Canal da Feitoria, in Lagoa dos Patos, Porto Alegre was the only one of the three public ports that presented a decrease in its operations this semester compared to the first semester last year, with a 23% drop to 418,133 tonnes handled. Unlike other cargo, even with draft restrictions, wheat (import) unloading in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul increased by 5.6% in the period.



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