Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos’ First LNG Tanker Ship Docks Amid Legal Disputes

May, 22, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202421

The LNG tanker vessel Speak Meridian docked at the Port of Santos on Monday morning, May 20, marking the start of operations at the new Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) regasification terminal.

Legal Action 

The Public Prosecutors Office of the State of São Paulo (MPSP) has taken legal action regarding possible environmental impacts of this terminal. Prosecutors Almachia Zwarg Acerbi and Carlos Cabral Cabrera, both from the Santos-based Special Action Group for the Defense of the Environment (Gaema), filed an appeal to overturn a decision that allows the installation of the LNG storage and vaporization terminal in the Santos Estuary.

In a detailed 70-page document, the prosecutors challenge the environmental license granted by the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (Cetesb). They highlight the potential risks associated with the terminal’s location in the Santos channel, which is approximately 550 meters wide. In case of an accident, the proximity to densely populated areas and neighboring businesses could result in numerous fatalities.

Despite these concerns, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) rejected the MPSP’s request to annul the licensing.

About the Speak Meridian

The Speak Meridian, an LNG tanker built in 2010, measures 285 meters in length and 43.4 meters in width. Its arrival marks a significant step in the development of the LNG regasification terminal, which aims to enhance Brazil’s energy infrastructure. However, the ongoing legal battles underscore the contentious nature of the project and the importance of addressing environmental and safety concerns as operations begin.

Source: Diário do Litoral

Cliick here to read the original news article: https://www.diariodolitoral.com.br/santos/navio-bomba-chega-ao-porto-de-santos-para-inicio-de-operacoes/182118/

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