Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos Investment Plans Unveiled During Spanish Mission

May, 28, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202421

On May 27, Anderson Pomini, President of the Santos Port Authority (APS), participated in a high-level meeting in Madrid, Spain, with Álvaro Rodriguez, President of the Spanish State Ports, to discuss investment opportunities and port collaborations between Brazil, Spain, and Colombia.

The meeting, part of the Agenda Misión Inversa Puertos Brasileños Y Colombianos, included representatives from Spain’s port, infrastructure, and trade sectors. It aimed to foster cooperation between the directors of Spanish ports Barcelona and Valencia and Colombian ports Cartagena, Santa Marta, and Buenaventura. State Ports oversees 46 ports and 28 port authorities, balancing private sector interests with societal and EU needs.

Pomini emphasized Brazil’s commitment to modernizing its ports, highlighting initiatives led by the Brazilian Minister of Ports and Airports, Silvio Costa Filho. “The Port of Santos is investing in the VTMIS monitoring system, expanding railway capacity, improving perimeter access, deepening the channel, and securing grants to enhance our pier’s multipurpose capabilities,” said Pomini.

The Brazilian delegation also included Alexandre Ernesto Corrêa Sampaio, President of the Port of São Sebastião; Fábio de Veiga, Superintendent of the Port of Itajaí; Luis Cesar Silveira da Fonseca Filho, Strategic Management Superintendent of PortosRio; and Marcos Alfredo Bonoski, Financial and Administrative Director of Portos do Paraná. The event was organized by Paloma Groizard Leite, Market Analyst from the Economic and Commercial Office in São Paulo of the Spanish Embassy in Brazil.

Colombian ports were represented by leaders from Cartagena, Santa Marta, and Buenaventura. The Associated Ports Company, the Maritime and Port Chamber, the National Association of Businessmen of Colombia, and the Spanish Embassy in Colombia also participated.

The program includes a technical visit to the Port of Barcelona on May 28, featuring presentations on strategic and innovation plans. On May 29 in Valencia, Pomini will join a roundtable on port innovations, discussing projects at the Port of Santos. The mission will also tour the technological innovations at the Port of Valencia, organized by ValenciaPort, on May 30.

On May 31 in Madrid, Pomini will deliver a lecture on public and private investments and expansion possibilities for the Port of Santos, the largest port in the Southern Hemisphere, to Spanish and Colombian business leaders.

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