Port of Santos releases 2019 balance sheet and prospects for 2020
Dec, 20, 2019 Posted by Sylvia SchandertWeek 201952
Today (12/20), the Port of Santos released a balance of the year 2019 and expectations for 2020. According to Codesp, with management measures, it was possible to beat the historical monthly record of handling of loads in October, increasing by two digits the tonnage on an annual basis while the economy is starting to recover.
Two management actions to enable the use of areas for mooring ships at the Saboó and Outeirinhos quays allowed a substantial increase in cargo movement. In the case of Saboó, an update was sought in the Port Development and Zoning Plan that would allow the operation of fertilizers without restrictions. With regard to Outeirinhos, a deal between the Navy and the SPA has allowed the section under management of the Maritime Authority to be commercially operationalized for the first time on 10/21/2019 since the opening of that pier in 2016. These two initiatives have resulted in considerable increase in productivity, with a consequent reduction in the waiting list of vessels from a daily average of 70 in the first semester to 55. As a result of these management acts, in October 2019 the new mark of 12.8m tons was reached, a new monthly record of the company and a 24.7% increase over the same month of 2018.
The use of the system of scheduling the arrival of trucks to the Port, through the Intelligent Port Logistics Chain (Portolog), ensured the 2018/2019 crop flow without congestion records. In 2019, the unscheduled truck rate was below 4%. This was the result of the expansion of the Land Access Sector’s work, which maintained a rigorous inspection of the terminals throughout the year. By 2020, the expectation is to complete the integration of liquid terminals and start negotiations for the integration of container terminals with Portolog. In addition to these actions, planning continues for the hiring of infrastructure components of the system, which will expand its performance by recognizing the passage of trucks at predetermined locations, such as toll plazas and gates to the port, allowing better monitoring of schedules.
“In ten months we delivered a management shock with a robust waste elimination and revenue increase program. We turned the game around. We will close the year in blue, reversing a loss of R$468.72m from 2018. We are committed to preparing Santos for maximum value generation, with more investments, new businesses, and modernization of the workforce profile,” says Santos Port Authority CEO, Casimir Tertio Carvalho.
According to the CEO, much remains to be done. Topics such as the reception of the 366-meter vessels, the implementation of the Port Community System, the integration of responses in the Santos Port Contingency Plan and environmental monitoring, the updating of the security system, and the delivery of the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) will be subjects of the next chapters.
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