Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos sets December cargo record over bumper harvest, intense container traffic

Jan, 26, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 292494

The Port of Santos recorded a record cargo throughput of 15.6 million tonnes in December, a 29.1% year-on-year increase compared to 2022. This figure marks the best performance ever recorded for the month, elevating the year-to-date total to 173.3 million tonnes.

“The port’s performance in December shows that there is still room for growth in Santos, which, thanks to planning and organization, remains the country’s most important maritime terminal,” said Anderson Pomini, President of the Santos Port Authority (APS). According to APS data, this growth was driven by bumper grain and sugarcane harvests, as well as improved container transportation at the Port of Santos.

In December alone, solid bulk cargo stood at 2.4 million tonnes more than in December 2022. This was primarily due to increased soybean movement (+584 thousand tonnes, +428%) and sugar (+998 thousand tonnes, +70.5%).

Operations with containers also grew substantially. The volume of containers handled increased by 23.7%(4.74 million tonnes) – a 15.5% increase in TEUs. Despite a decrease in the year-to-date total, containerized cargo shows signs of recovery. In December, it matched the highest movement figure in three years.

Cumulative Movement

Meeting expectations, the Port of Santos achieved a historical record for the year, with a total throughput of 173.3 million tonnes, a 6.7% increase compared to 2022 (162.4 million tonnes). Shipments grew by 9.6%, totaling 130 million, while arrivals recorded a 1.2% decrease (43.3 million).

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