Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos set a record for best August results

Sep, 28, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202040

In the month of August, the Port of Santos set a record, handling 13.7 million tons of cargo, up 13.6% over the same month of 2019 and 1.8% above the previous record set in July, when it handled 13.5 million tons. It is the seventh time this year that the Port of Santos breaks a record for a specific month, after setting records for 7 consecutive months in 2020, in February, March, April, May, June, and July.

Exports increased by 20.8% to 10.6 million tons, and imports dropped 5.2%, to 3.2 million tons.  Three types of cargo made the largest difference when compared to the same period last year. Solid bulk grew 32.4% (to 8.1 million tons); liquid bulk grew 0.9% (to 1.5 million tons); and general cargo grew 4.5% (to 380,800 tons). General containerized cargo TEU decreased by 12.7%, to 323,300 thousand.

Year to date results

Cargo movement in August at the Port of Santos increased the year-to-date result to 97.8 million tons, which was 10.2% above the previous record for the period set in 2018 (88.8 million tons) and 10.7% above 2019 (88.4 million tons).

Solid bulk products grew by 19.5%, with a record year-to-date amount of 52.7 million tons, with emphasis on soybeans, increasing by 25.8%; sugar, increasing by 58.9%; fertilizer, increasing by 24.2%, and pelletized soy, increasing by 15.2%.

In the accumulated result for the year, liquid bulk passing through the port increased by 9.6%, also a record for the period, reaching 12.1 million tons.

Year-to-date general cargo movement decreased by 3.1%, to 3.5 million tons. The general containerized cargo fell by 0.3% in this period, totaling 2.7 million TEU.

The flow of ships grew 2.9% in the month and 2.7% in the year, to 424 and 3,300 vessels, respectively.

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