Port of Santos’ STS20 terminal reinaugurates with new infrastructure; 200 jobs created
Aug, 31, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202235
With 200 jobs created and a throughput capacity of 1.5 million tonnes of cargo, Hidrovias do Brasil returned to the Port of Santos at the STS20 terminal in the Outeirinhos region. The company had maintained operations at the port for a short period between 2020 and 2021 and earlier this month received the first fertilizer carrier of the year.
“The company maintained operations for a short period in 2020 and 2021 and decided to put them to a halt to improve the existing infrastructure. The terminal will have kickstart operations with a preliminary capacity of 1.5 million tonnes of cargo per year, which will gradually increase to 2.75 million,” says the director of operations at Hidrovias do Brasil, Ricardo Cerqueira.
Trucks are expected to bring 6,400 tonnes of fertilizers and 2,000 tonnes of salt per day, whereas 2,000 tonnes of fertilizers shall reach the terminal every 24 hours.
According to him, the interruption of activities to improve the existing assets had been agreed upon in the lease deal; they are expected to be concluded in October this year. “The goal was to make the operation more in tune with the new, more modern, and innovative market trends while always keeping safety a priority,” said the director.
He also clarified that 200 employees will be hired to run this operation. “Since we won the contract for STS20, starting at the improvement works and all the way to the resumption of the operation, this company has created opportunities for the people in the region of Santos.”
According to Cerqueira, the STS20 operation will include three storage houses with a static capacity of 190,000 tonnes, of which 140,000 tonnes will be reserved for fertilizers and 50,000 for salt operations.
“The company also installed two state-of-the-art hydraulic pier cranes, with a movement capacity of around 14,000 tonnes per day. The equipment moves on rails with an attached funnel, allowing positioning on any bulk carrier. It has a camera and swings on the articulated arm.”
According to the operations director of Hidrovias do Brasil, the modern infrastructure now installed benefits the entire Brazilian logistics sector by delivering state-of-the-art hydraulic cranes and modern computerized operations.
STS20 lease
Hidrovias leased the STS20 do Brasil on August 13, 2019, in an auction held at B3 in São Paulo. To guarantee the right to explore the area of 29.2 thousand square meters for 25 years, the company invested R$ 112.5 million.
Source: A Tribuna
To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/com-200-empregos-e-investimento-em-infraestrutura-terminal-retoma-operacoes-no-porto-de-santos
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