Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos: TCU authorizes auctions of two areas with planned investment of R$1 billion

Jul, 23, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202129

On July 21, the Federal Audit Court (TCU) approved the projects for leasing the areas STS 08 and STS 08A for liquid bulk (especially fuel) in the Port of Santos. Together, the leases will require investments of approximately R$ 1 billion for modernization, capacity increase, and the construction of a new pier with two berths, representing a 50% increase in the number of berths in the Alemoa region, where they will be installed.

STS 08 has an investment forecast of R$ 265.5 million. The future STS 08A terminal, in turn, has an even greater forecast of R$ 678.3 million.

A notice with the bidding rules will be published soon by ANTAQ (the national waterway transport agency). The auction is scheduled for this year, and the lease term is 25 years.

The two areas total around 450,000 m2 but will be auctioned separately: 152,300 m2 at STS 08 and 297,300 m2 at STS 08A.

Part of the area is in operation, albeit in a precarious contractual situation due to the termination of the previous lease agreement.


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