DP World Santos
Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos terminal receives 1st ever shipment of rocket parts

Nov, 11, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202245

Last week, a breakbulk operation was carried out to unload rocket parts, a cargo that had never been seen in the Port of Santos. About 15 professionals from the DP World terminal assisted in the unloading of the cargo, which was hoisted from the ship.

The goods arrived in Brazil on November 3rd on Hyundai Grace, owned by Hyundai, and weighed more than 100 tons. It was placed in flat rack containers (specific containers for overweight loads). The freight contained launch pad parts, toolkits, lifting structures, and vehicles.

Asia Shipping was in charge of the operation’s storage management, which, in partnership with the terminal, presented a logistics solution for this operation.

The cargo left the Port of Busan in South Korea and is destined for the launch center in Alcântara, a city neighboring São Luís, the capital of Maranhão.

Source: Diario do Litoral

To read the original article, please visit: https://www.diariodolitoral.com.br/cotidiano/terminalrecebe-pecas-de-foguete-carga-inedita-no-porto-de-santos/161978/

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