Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos truck scheduling rule enters new phase on Jan 1st

Dec, 27, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202252

As announced in September by the Santos Port Authority (SPA), the time window trucks carrying containers and loose cargo have to enter the Port of Santos will be reduced from January 1st. The grace period will be three hours after the scheduling period (one plus three = four hours). The rule for bulk carriers does not change.

This change corresponds to the second phase foreseen in an October 1st decision. Until then, the port terminals scheduled the arrival of trucks with SPA, which could happen within a 5-hour frame. From October 1st to December 31st, this limit was reduced to four hours. From January 1st until April 1st, it will be three hours; after this period, the tolerance period will be two hours beyond the initial stipulated arrival time.

There is no change for solid vegetable bulk carrier trucks, as these cargoes travel long distances that require days of traveling. When needed, these carriers wait at regulatory yards outside the port to prevent them from forming queues on the highways or the access avenues to the port complex. The trucks park there, awaiting the green light to the terminals. The tolerance window for these cargoes remains six hours.

SPA began scheduling the arrival of trucks in 2014 to alleviate congestion on the port’s access roads and surrounding areas, particularly during harvest season.

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