Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos: Warehouse berths being dredged

Mar, 25, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202413

Berths 12A to 20/2, on the Right Bank of the Port of Santos, are undergoing dredging works to reach a depth of 15 meters. With a budget of R$ 14.9 million, the service, which began last Thursday (03/21), is expected to be completed by June.

According to the Santos Port Authority (APS), the contract with the Náutica company was signed in January and is valid until June. The work order was issued in February.

According to the Santos port complex manager, the dredging will provide better berthing conditions for six ships. “That’s a long-standing demand from the terminals operating in that area, which handle mainly agricultural goods in bulk, such as soybeans, corn, sugar, and wheat, among others.”

The chart below compares soy and corn exports registered at the Port of Santos between Jan 2022 and Jan 2024. The data is from DataLiner.

Soy and Corn Exports Through Santos Port | Jan 2022 – Jan 2024 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The APS emphasizes that the dredging of the berths is the first project of the Port of Santos included in the new Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) to be carried out.

Quay reinforcement

The Port Authority also informs that actions to reinforce the quay were completed in 2017 to increase cargo throughput. “However, without dredging, ships have been operating with draft restrictions.”

The Santos Port Administration also points out that deepening works contribute to the port’s advancements and, in conjunction with works on the Internal Railroad of the Port of Santos (Fips), such as the railway turntable, which began in January 2024, “will bring more infrastructure to the region and increase movement through return cargo.”

Dredging to 16 meters

Another project included in the PAC is the dredging of the navigation channel of the Port of Santos to 16 meters, with a projected investment of R$ 324.1 million. This service may be made feasible through a public-private partnership (PPP).


According to the schedule released by the APS, the project’s preliminary design is being developed by the National Institute of Hydrographic Research (INPH). The installation license (LI) will be obtained in June 2025, the tender guidelines will be issued in July, and work will begin in October. Completion is slated for June 2026.

Source: A Tribuna

Click here to read the original news article: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/bercos-de-armazens-sao-dragados

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