Ports and Terminals

Port of Sao Francisco cargo throughput at some 9.9 million tonnes in 2024

Sep, 10, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202436

In the first seven months of 2024, cargo throughput at the Port of São Francisco do Sul reached 9.9 million tonnes, an 11% increase compared to the same period in 2023 (8.9 million tonnes).

The largest growth (13%) was in inbound products, totaling 4 million tonnes, up from 3.5 million tonnes last year.

This rise was driven by steel products, which accounted for 2.4 million tonnes (+25%), and fertilizers, with 1.4 million tonnes, a 10% increase compared to 2023 (1.27 million tonnes).

Exports totaled 5.9 million tonnes, a 9% increase from last year (5.4 million tonnes). Grains, including soybeans and corn, amounted to 5.65 million tonnes.

“In July, we faced serious weather challenges, including heavy rain and dense fog, which halted port activities for several days. Despite these setbacks, we managed to maintain our growth trend in cargo throughput,” said Port President Cleverton Vieira.

For the state’s Secretary of Ports, Airports, and Railways, Ivan Amaral, São Francisco reflects the strength and resilience of Santa Catarina’s port terminals, whose throughput has been growing above the national average. “These figures not only highlight the efficiency and modernization of Santa Catarina’s ports but also the strategic role they play in national and international trade.”

President Cleverton Vieira noted that this steady growth, which began in 2023, allowed the Port of São Francisco to gain national recognition from the Ministry of Ports in August, when it received three awards, surpassing traditional port terminals across the country.

At the “Portos + Brasil” awards, the port in Santa Catarina took first place in two categories: the highest percentage increase in cargo volume and the largest increase in solid bulk throughput (grains and fertilizers).

São Francisco also earned second place in the “Best Ratings in the Port Authority Management Index (Igap)” category, alongside the Port of Imbituba.

The Igap assesses 15 indicators of port authorities across the country, including management and governance performance, transparency in information disclosure, the ability to carry out investments, and environmental management quality.

The awards recognize the progress made by the country’s ports, especially in promoting sustainable development, sound investments, operational efficiency, and competitiveness at port terminals.

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