Port of Suape invites studies focused on installation of LPG terminal
Nov, 20, 2020 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202048
The Port of Suape opened a public call for bids for individuals or companies to donate necessary studies for the implementation of a new Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) terminal. The process was published in the Official Gazette of the state and on the Suape website (www.suape.pe.gov.br), on the 18th. Studies must be received within 30 calendar days, counting from the publication. The terminal will be deployed in an 82,000 m2 area in Porto Organizado, served by a pipeline, where operators are already handling liquid bulk derived from oil. The growing demand for the product and the characteristics that make Suape a hub for liquid bulk, including LPG, justify the need for a new terminal.
According to data from the National Union of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Distribution Companies (Sindigás), about 30% of the LPG consumed in the country is imported, and most of it enters the Port of Suape which supplies the Northeast (with the exception of Bahia), part of the North, and Southeast. From January to September 2020, LPG grew by 2.4% compared to the same period last year, with 1,633,606 tons handled, and a 4.71% increase in the number of landings. According to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel (ANP), in the same period, Brazil consumed more than 5 million tons of the product, with the Northeast responsible for 25% of this demand.
Suape has a 7,500-ton tank onshore and a 45,000-ton cistern tanker that is currently in the Liquid Bulk Piers, with the availability of an area to expand the park. The gas is received by Transpetro, which receives and stores it, distributing it to the fillers installed in the port and supplying it to the end customer. The companies Nacional Gás, Liquigás, Ultragás / Bahiana, Supergasbras, and Copagaz operate as fillers in Suape.
“The new terminal will receive, store and distribute LPG by road to meet the demand of consumers in the Northeast, and will send it to other regions of the country by cabotage. In addition to its location and infrastructure, Suape is one of the country’s main distribution centers, specializing in liquids and gases. These studies are necessary to define the best modeling for the lease of the area “, explains the president of Suape, Leonardo Cerquinho.
The studies for the new terminal should at least cover the LPG market analysis activities in Brazil and in the world; products and services of the gas sector company; revenue, cost projections, and investments; profitability, competition, and its advantages, customer consumption rate; internal rate of return; cash flow; industry trends; working capital; net present value; necessary manpower; payback; billing, and a detailed study of LPG terminals in other ports.
The donation will also include studies that will be used to model the project: market studies; engineering studies; operational modeling studies; environmental studies and assessments; economic and financial valuation studies, and legal modeling studies.
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