Ports and Terminals

Port of Suape performs record vehicle transshipment operation

Jul, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202229

The companies K-Line and Nexus, which since November last year have implemented a new vehicle hub in the Port of Suape, in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, carried out the largest car transshipment operation ever carried out in the history of the Pernambuco berth.

Of the 2,080 vehicles handled by the Panamanian-flagged California Highway, 1,538 were transshipped, the name given to the process by which goods enter the customs territory of a country, are transferred to another ship, and then leave the port for a new destination.

In other words, a transshipment operation entails the direct transfer of goods from one vessel to another in a kind of pit-stop. For example, in this specific operation, vehicles from Argentina waited for boarding at the port’s public vehicle yard before heading, on a different vessel, to Veracruz (Mexico) and Cartagena (Colombia) ports, respectively.

The mega operation took place a few days ago 

Since the implementation of the new hub in November 2021, hundreds of passenger cars and utility vehicles have arrived at the Port of Suape and then proceed to other international destinations. The units manufactured in Uruguay and Argentina are currently being transported to countries such as Colombia, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the United States. The previous record was 690 vehicles in this type of operation.

In addition to the 1,538 vehicles that were transshipped, the California Highway took 131 automobiles for export, and another 411 for import, totaling 2,080 units handled.


The movement of vehicles in Suape was one of the port highlights in 2021. According to data compiled by the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq), the number of imported and exported cars was 20% higher than in the previous year. This percentage totals 47,841 units in 2021 compared to 39,922 in 2020. In 2022 (until June), there were 26,542 cars vis-a-vis 24,111 the previous year, a growth of 10%.

Suape is the gateway for Stellantis (formerly FCA) vehicles, produced both at the Jeep plant in Goiana and the group’s plant in Betim (MG), with destinations such as Argentina and Mexico. The pier also imports vehicles from important brands, such as Toyota.

Source: Pernambuco Notícias

To read the full original article, please go to: https://pernambuconoticias.com.br/porto-de-suape-realiza-operacao-recorde-de-transbordo-de-veiculos/

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