Ports and Terminals

Port of Suape refutes MSK, denies lack of fuel to tow aircraft carrier away

Dec, 06, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202249

Last Saturday, the Dutch company MSK replaced the tug deployed to tow the aircraft carrier São Paulo, which is moored near the Port of Suape and was dubbed a ‘ghost ship.’

The company stated that the vessel was replaced because “there was no fuel available in Suape for refueling.”

On Tuesday, December 6th, the Port of Suape refuted the Dutch company and stated that it did not receive a request to supply fuel by MSK.

The administration of the port complex also contended that there was no fuel shortage at the pier.

See the note from the Port of Suape in full:

“The Port of Suape asserts that it has not received a request to schedule the refueling of the tugboat from its owner. Furthermore, it emphasizes that there is no fuel shortage presently at the berth, which is the responsibility of the companies that operate liquid bulk in the organized port.”

Remember the ‘ghost ship’ case:

The aircraft carrier São Paulo, which belonged to the Brazilian Navy, was acquired by the Turkish company SOK in 2020 to be dismantled and recycled at an international shipyard.

The company contracted the Dutch company MSK to tow the aircraft carrier’s hull to Turkiye, but the country rejected the vessel’s entry due to environmental risks of contamination by toxic substances — the ship carries asbestos.

The vessel then returned to Brazil and has remained on the high seas since then, about 30 km off the coast of Pernambuco, near the Port of Suape, and was also not authorized to dock there.

The Government of Pernambuco state declared that the ship “remains without docking permission and continues on the high seas.”

Source: Jornal do Comércio

To read the full original article, please access: https://jc.ne10.uol.com.br/colunas/jamildo/2022/12/15136014-navio-fantasma-porto-de-suape-rebate-msk-e-nega-falta-de-combustivel-que-ocasionou-troca-do-rebocador-do-porta-avioes.html

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