Ports and Terminals

Port of Vitória registers 40% growth in vehicle imports

Feb, 26, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202009

Imports of vehicles were one of the main cargoes going through the Port of Vitória in the first month of 2020. The Capuaba berths, Vitória Commercial Pier and Vila Velha Terminal (TVV) saw 3,569 cars unload in January, 40 % higher than the same month last year. In January 2019 a total of 2,560 units were imported. The vehicles are distributed by importers in Espírito Santo and neighboring states.

According to the director of Poseidon Marítima, Roberto Garófalo, the steady growth of car imports in the Espírito Santo ports is due, among other factors, to the country’s economic stability. “Our ports are by nature attractive to importers and act as a gateway for vehicles to be distributed to the south, southeast and midwest regions ”. However, he warns: “It is imperative that the Brazilian economy remain stable, with the dollar at acceptable levels, in order for continued imports to be consolidated”.

Garófalo believes the geographical position of Espírito Santo has historically contributed to the consolidation of the state as a gateway for vehicles. “Since Brazil opened its doors to foreign trade in the early 1990s, Espírito Santo has stood out and consolidated its position as the main gateway for vehicles imported into Brazil. This is both because of FUNDAP incentives and because of its strategic position. , which facilitated the land distribution of vehicles to the national territory. As a result, not only has the port’s  discharging operation become more efficient, but the entire logistical structure for receiving and distributing vehicles has been developed and implemented, especially in the Greater Vitória region”.

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