Port Rankings

Port Ranking for Brazil and Plate – January to August 2020/2021

Oct, 22, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202140

See below the ranking of the ports in Brazil and Plate that most exported and imported containers in the first eight months of 2021 and their comparison with the same period in 2020. Data are from DataLiner:


In exports, the Port of Santos continues to lead, with a growth of 7.04% in TEU compared to the same period in 2020. In the second place, Paranaguá had practically the same movement in the annual comparison, growing 1.06%. In third place in the ranking, Navegantes registered a considerable growth of 22.52% in relation to the first eight months of 2020.  Proportionally, the strongest growth was in the Port of Fortaleza: 57.5%, with 17,898 TEU.

The biggest drop in exports via containers was registered by the Port of Salvador: -14.64% compared to the first eight months of 2020.

Ranking of Brazilian Ports| Exports | Jan/Aug 2021 vs Jan/Aug 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Aug | 2020 Jan-Aug | 2021 % Change
1 1 SANTOS 694,543 743,454 7.04%
2 2 PARANAGUA 257,660 260,380 1.06%
3 3 NAVEGANTES 203,663 249,525 22.52%
4 4 RIO GRANDE 148,983 145,127 -2.59%
5 5 ITAPOA 113,054 120,741 6.80%
6 6 ITAJAI 109,316 97,029 -11.24%
7 7 RIO DE JANEIRO 60,432 58,106 -3.85%
8 8 SALVADOR 62,364 53,233 -14.64%
9 9 VITORIA 47,337 46,588 -1.58%
10 10 VILA DO CONDE 33,040 39,548 19.70%
11 11 PECEM 16,203 19,674 21.42%
12 12 FORTALEZA 11,364 17,898 57.50%
13 13 SUAPE 16,355 17,593 7.57%
14 14 ITAGUAI 17,126 16,481 -3.77%
15 15 MANAUS 9,477 11,516 21.52%
16 16 NATAL 11,286 10,621 -5.89%
17 OTHERS 695 620 -10.79%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

In imports, the growth of Santos handling was much more considerable: 31.29% in the first eight months of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020, with 714,196 TEU. The Port of Navegantes ranks second among container importers, with 211,800 TEU, an increase of 69.43% in the same comparison. Paranaguá occupies the third position, with a growth of 24.59%. Like in exports, the Port of Fortaleza registered the greatest growth in imports via containers: 59.19%, with 1,369 TEU.

The biggest drop in imports via containers was registered by the Port of Salvador: 14.64%, with 53,233 TEU.

Ranking of Brazilian Ports| Imports | Jan/Aug 2021 vs Jan/Aug 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Aug | 2020 Jan-Aug | 2021 % Change
1 1 SANTOS 543,969 714,196 31.29%
2 2 NAVEGANTES 125,007 211,800 69.43%
3 3 PARANAGUA 152,983 190,606 24.59%
4 4 ITAPOA 102,965 143,193 39.07%
5 5 MANAUS 103,059 116,763 13.30%
6 6 ITAJAI 83,160 104,940 26.19%
7 7 RIO DE JANEIRO 70,342 82,715 17.59%
8 8 SUAPE 46,524 59,924 28.80%
9 9 SALVADOR 42,246 49,897 18.11%
10 10 RIO GRANDE 42,290 47,050 11.26%
11 11 VITORIA 33,949 37,430 10.26%
12 12 PECEM 22,572 20,945 -7.21%
13 13 ITAGUAI 15,664 12,747 -18.62%
14 14 VILA DO CONDE 5,319 4,649 -12.60%
15 15 FORTALEZA 860 1,369 59.19%
16 16 NATAL 321 233 -27.53%
17 OTHERS 738 373 -49.46%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


The ports of the other Plate countries mostly saw a drop in exports. Buenos Aires, with the highest volume, handled 261,303 TEU between January and August 2021, a drop of 6.06% compared to the same period in 2020. The Port of Rosário, affected by the drop in the volume of the Paraná River, registered a drop of 16.86 % on exported volumes.

Ranking of the Plate Region Ports | Exports | Jan/Aug 2021 vs Jan/Aug 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Aug | 2020 Jan-Aug | 2021 % Change
1 1 BUENOS AIRES 278,152 261,303 -6.06%
2 2 MONTEVIDEO 138,423 146,155 5.59%
3 3 ZARATE 21,663 23,628 9.07%
4 4 SAN ANTONIO ESTE 13,334 12,748 -4.40%
5 5 ROSARIO 12,503 10,395 -16.86%
6 6 PUERTO MADRYN 4,874 4,087 -16.15%
7 7 BAHIA BLANCA 6,660 3,608 -45.82%
8 8 LA PLATA 627 1,408 124.56%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

In imports, most ports in the Plate region experienced positive performance in the January-August 2021 comparison with January-August 2020. The Port of Buenos Aires handled 363,386 TEU in the period, an increase of 19.43% year-on-year. The Port of Montevideo, second in the ranking, grew 32.97%.

Ranking of the Plate Region Ports | Imports | Jan/Aug 2021 vs Jan/Aug 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Aug | 2020 Jan-Aug | 2021 % Change
1 1 BUENOS AIRES 303,417 362,386 19.43%
2 2 MONTEVIDEO 93,983 124,972 32.97%
3 3 ZARATE 29,444 32,372 9.94%
4 4 ROSARIO 12,105 16,779 38.61%
5 5 USHUAIA 9,937 11,252 13.23%
6 6 PUERTO MADRYN 1,554 1,221 -21.43%
7 7 PUERTO DESEADO 374 285 -23.80%
8 8 MAR DEL PLATA 94 152 61.70%
9 9 BAHIA BLANCA 149 148 -0.67%
10 10 LAS PALMAS +AR 17 114 570.59%
11 11 SANTA FE 30 65 116.67%
12 12 CAMPANA 0 25 100.00%
13 13 LA PLATA 0 16 100.00%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

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