Ports and Terminals

Porto Murtinho starts shipments of soybeans from the 2019/2020 harvest

Mar, 22, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202013

Last week, the city of Porto Murtinho (MS) started preparing the first major shipment of soybeans harvested in the 2019/2020 harvest. There were 26,000 tons loaded at the APPM Terminal (Porto Murtinho Port Agency) and 30,000 tons from the Grupo FV Cereais terminal. The volume shipped in this period alone is equivalent to 15% of all soybeans transported by the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway via Porto Murtinho in the past harvest.

According to the Secretary for the Environment, Economic Development, Production and Family Agriculture (Semagro), Jaime Verruck, the start of operations at the FV Cereais Port Terminal – and the increase in activities at the APPM Terminal, consolidates the state`s strategy to expand its waterway transportation logistics.

Mato Grosso do Sul expected to have a new record soybean crop this year that is expected to exceed 10 million tons. Much of this production will go by waterway via Porto Murtinho. Hence, more barges are expected to service shipments at both terminals. Cargo handling in the city is intense with more than 120 people working at both terminals, in addition to drivers and other service providers which represents an important increase in the economy of Porto Murtinho.

Source: A Crítica



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