Other Logistics

Porto Seco de Uruguaiana sees record flow of vehicles

Nov, 23, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202145

Managed by Multilog, Porto Seco de Uruguaiana registered 15,300 trucks in the month of October and already presents figures above the average in November. It is the largest flow in 13 years, breaking the July 2008 record of 15,000 vehicles passing through the customs terminal.

In the export area, Porto Seco de Uruguaiana had a volume of 11,148 vehicles in October, while in the import area, the number of trucks was 4,152. The record result was driven by the heating up of road transport, due to the decrease in containers in the world.

The other dry border ports managed by Multilog also saw an increase in October. Foz do Iguaçu, for example, set a new record of 21,567 vehicles, with 12,625 destined for import and 8,942 for export.

Santana de Livramento registered 969 trucks, with 667 in the export area and 302 in imports. At Porto Seco de Jaguarão, the total number of trucks reached 2,646. Of that number, 1,186 vehicles come from import operations and 1,460 from export.

The company has just signed a tender to operate the new Porto Seco in Dionísio Cerqueira in western Santa Catarina on the border with Argentina, which will be built next year and have a considerably higher capacity to meet future demand.

Source: Jornal do Comércio


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