infraestrutura para movimentar granito
Ports and Terminals

Portocel (ES) builds new infrastructure to handle granite

Dec, 27, 2021 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202150

Portocel, a terminal located in Aracruz (ES), is now part of the Espírito Santo ornamental stone economic route. To present its granite handling and storage infrastructure to the market, the terminal received a group of industry representatives, including producers, exporters, shipowners, maritime agencies, and the company Triple Line, which is headquartered in Canada and responds alone for nearly half of the world’s handling os stone block

Triple Line is the company that will use Portocel’s infrastructure to handle the blocks and ship them on vessels owned by Saga Welco. Negotiations between the Espírito Santo terminal and the company began about two years ago and took place at a distance as required by social distancing guidelines imposed during the pandemic.

The first shipment of granite stones is scheduled to take place in December and should involve the handling of around 16,500 tonnes to supply the markets of India, Africa and China. There are plans to gradually expand the movement.

Portocel’s entry into the granite route is part of the port’s diversification strategy, which recently carried out its first shipment of pig iron, another cargo that is new to the terminal.

Espírito Santo accounts for 78% of Brazil’s exports of granite blocks. According to Celmo de Freitas, president of the Marble and Granite Processing Industry Union (Sindirochas Espírito Santo), the state is essential to strengthening the logistics of this industry. “Our exports are representative and we can grow even more now that ports and ships are available”, he highlights.

Saga Welco is Triple Line’s partner company in the handling of granite blocks via Portocel (ES). The company’s cargo superintendent, Breno Paz, assesses that Portocel has all the conditions to consolidate itself on the granite route. “We already operate here carrying pulp and wire rod and we trust that we will also have a safe and peaceful operation with granite,” he says.

Source: Portal Jornal do Norte

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