Ports and Terminals

Portofer terminates lease contract for Port of Santos Internal Railway

Oct, 25, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202340

Railway transport company Portofer has officially terminated the lease contract for the Internal Railway of Santos Port (Fips) with the Santos Port Authority (APS). The contract termination was signed on September 30, and the extract was published in the edition of Tuesday, September 24, of the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU). The new private lessee has been operating Fips since October 1.

In a statement, APS stated, “The termination of the contract with Portofer was already foreseen by both parties to facilitate the start of the contract with the new lessee of Fips.”

The manager of the Port of Santos also clarified that “the initial contract with Portofer was set to run until February 2025. The early termination was made by mutual agreement, with oversight from regulatory bodies.”

Fips is a special-purpose partnership formed by Rumo, MRS, and VLI. The assignment contract with APS was signed in December of last year. The operational transition process between Portofer and the new lessee took place between June and September.

Source: A Tribuna

To read the original publication, please visit: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/portofer-encerra-contrato-de-arrendamento-da-ferrovia-interna-do-porto-de-santos-fips

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