Portos RS launches vessel traffic control system
Mar, 07, 2024 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202410
In an event held at its booth at Intermodal, Portos RS officially unveiled its new vessel traffic control system. Developed by Technomar Engenharia, the system’s implementation process, divided into stages, is currently in the Local Port Service (LPS) phase, with plans to later acquire Vessel Traffic Service certification, popularly known by the acronym VTS.
Through this system, called Technomar Traffic Service, developed with the latest market technologies for compiling and processing maritime navigation data, PortosRS expects a significant improvement in navigation safety and efficiency, maritime life safety, and environmental protection at the port, while also contributing to port intelligence and digitalization (VTMIS).
Since the contract to implement the service was signed at the first edition of the Blue Economy Development Forum last year, Portos RS and the Local Maritime Production Arrangement (APL) have collaborated with Technomar to put the system into place.
Technomar Engenharia is responsible for the software, and through this system, it generates modern dashboards with key port operation indicators and non-conformity statistics, as well as operational efficiency indicators, and maneuver playback features for incident studies and training.
Cristiano Klinger, President of Portos RS, emphasized the importance of adding technology to decision-making processes. “For Porto RS, as a port authority, using information and knowledge to seek the best solutions is fundamental. This relationship built with the VTS implementation APL not only brings technology to daily port operations but also enhances innovation processes within the ports of Rio Grande do Sul,” he said.
Some system features are already available for consultation by port operators and the community directly on the Portos RS website. The access button, called Portos RS VTS, is available in the footer of the page, along with links to support services such as Paperless Port (PSP), Administrative Processes (PROA), and Access to Information.
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