Ports in Brazil’s ‘Arco Norte’ region account for 36% of corn shipments
Jun, 23, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202324
Exports through the ports in Brazil’s Arco Norte have grown substantially this year. From January to May, these ports were responsible for 3.8 million tonnes of corn shipments, representing 36% of Brazil’s total exported volume. In comparison, their participation during the same period last year was only 26%.
Meanwhile, the main ports in the Southeast and South regions have experienced a decline in cereal output. Santos, Paranaguá, and São Francisco do Sul collectively shipped 5.8 million tonnes, which constituted 55% of the total volume exported. However, in the first five months of 2022, these three ports accounted for 66% of foreign sales.
In more specific terms, the port of Santos, which saw 2.6 million tonnes of corn shipped this year, experienced a decrease in its share of national exports, dropping from 35.4% to 24.5% compared to the same period last year. These figures are from the Ministry of Agriculture’s monthly logistic bulletin.
See below the volume of corn exported by the ports of Santos, Paranaguá, and São Francisco do Sul, located in the southeast or south of Brazil. Data were collected through Datamar’s DataLiner platform.
Brazil’s South-Southeast corn exports | Jan 2019 – Apr 2023 | WTMT
Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)
The growing national participation of Arco Norte ports can be attributed to Mato Grosso, the leading state in cereal exports, which recorded a volume of 4.6 million tonnes in the first five months. Paraná followed with 1.5 million tonnes, and Mato Grosso do Sul with 1.3 million tonnes.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, based on data from the Secretary of Foreign Trade (Secex), year-round exports up to May reached 49 million tonnes. The leading states in this regard were Mato Grosso (17.3 million tonnes), Goiás (5.6 million t), and Paraná (3.7 million t).
Regarding fertilizer imports, the North and Northeast ports accounted for 27% of the total purchased by Brazil this year, compared to 24.5% in 2022. The country’s total fertilizer imports from January to May amounted to 13.6 million tonnes, marking a 10% decrease from the previous year.
There have been no major changes in soybean exports compared to the year-to-date figures from January to May 2022. The Arco Norte ports, Santos and Paranaguá, experienced a slight drop in their share of exports, while ports in Rio Grande and São Francisco do Sul saw an increase in their participation.
Source: Folha de S. Paulo
To read the original news piece, please visit: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/colunas/vaivem/2023/06/portos-do-arco-norte-exportam-36-do-milho-brasileiro.shtml
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