Ports minister announces three new projects for Port of Santos; find out more
Sep, 22, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202338
The new Minister of Ports and Airports, Silvio Costa Filho, signed three commitment agreements for new port infrastructure projects at the Port of Santos on the coast of São Paulo on Thursday (21), during his first visit to the region as head of the ministry.
The signing of the terms took place at the headquarters of the Port Authority of Santos (APS), with the presence of the National Ports Secretary, Mariana Pescatori, the president of APS, Anderson Pomini, and the mayors of Santos and Guarujá, Rogério Santos and Válter Suman, respectively.
One of the documents highlights the construction of the second phase of the perimeter avenue in Guarujá, slated for the beginning of next year. The goal is to have this project classified as a priority, as it is essential for the flow of products along the left bank of the port complex.
The other agreement signed by the minister establishes a study on the expansion of the area of the Port of Santos. “We have around 400,000 square meters in Alemoa, which is currently owned by the city. The minister has ordered a study to include these 400,000 square meters as port area,” explained Pomini. According to him, this will depend on technical analysis and an agreement with the local administration of Santos.
The third document signed by Costa Filho specifies the construction of four new berths in the fuel areas of the Alemoa district, also in Santos. Two of them will be for public use.
During his visit, the minister took the opportunity to emphasize that the ministerial change that put him in charge of the Ports and Airports does not alter the APS board, chosen by the former minister Márcio França. Thus, Anderson Pomini will continue to lead the Santos port complex.
“He has a public spirit, a capacity for work, a capacity to dialogue, to listen, to build bridges, to listen to opposing views,” described Costa Filho.
See below Port of Santos’ container exports compared to its imports between January 2019 and July 2023. The data is from DataLiner
Container movement at Santos | Jan 2019 – Jul 2023 | TEU
Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)
Minister Silvio Costa Filho emphasized that he intends to keep private initiatives close by, but the privatization of the administration of the Port of Santos is not on the agenda. “Talking about privatizing the Port of Santos at this time is not an agenda that interests the national port agenda,” he said.
According to him, the Santos port complex is a reference in the country. “We know that here, over more than 100 years, a dream of workers, public employees, people who believed in and dedicated their lives to the Port of Santos, was built,” he emphasized.
Lula and Tarcísio
Costa Filho announced that the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and the Governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, will speak together about the Santos-Guarujá tunnel project next Monday (25) in São Paulo.
“Now, more than ever, it’s time to forget the election, forget divisionism… We need to work collectively,” said the minister.
Source: G1
To read the original news text, see: https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/porto-mar/noticia/2023/09/21/novo-ministro-de-portos-assina-tres-termos-para-obras-de-infraestrutura-no-porto-de-santos-veja-quais-sao.ghtml
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