Ports of Itajaí and Navegantes free from restrictions after 2,5 months
Dec, 18, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202346
The Brazilian Navy has fully restored operations in the Access Channel of the Itajaí-Açu River and the Port Complex of Itajaí and Navegantes – including maneuvering areas – over the weekend after two and a half months of ongoing restrictions. This means that ships operating in the local ports can now maneuver regularly.
The parameters changed because the current has finally returned to a safe level, less than two knots, after being impacted by heavy rains in recent months. The Itajaí-Açu River’s mouth receives all the water volume from the Alvo Vale do Itajaí, severely affected by floods.
In a statement, the Brazilian Navy clarified that maneuvers must stop “when meteorological conditions, sea state, among other factors, are unfavorable, posing a risk to navigation safety.”
The channel and maneuvering area were completely closed from October 4th to 20th due to the exceptional volume of rain. From October 21st to November 15th, the bar of the Itajaí-Açu River remained open with restrictions, meaning maneuvers took place but at specific times and under particular conditions.
Operations were maintained “depending on the size or type of the vessel when certain environmental conditions, river sections, or other relevant factors remain favorable without compromising navigation safety,” according to the Navy.
Source: NSC Total
Click here to read the original text: https://www.nsctotal.com.br/colunistas/dagmara-spautz/portos-de-itajai-e-navegantes-voltam-a-operar-sem-restricoes-depois-de-dois-meses-e-meio
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