Ports and Terminals

Ports of Paraná release details for auction of new vehicle area

Nov, 25, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202049

Portos do Paraná published a Relevant Notice on Auction 01/2020 to lease the new vehicle area at the Port of Paranaguá. Some changes were made in view of the exceptional situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the time for receipt of proposal envelopes has been extended and will be held from 10 am to 2 pm, on December 15, at B3 (Rua XV de Novembro, nº 275, Centro – São Paulo / SP).

For the delivery of the documents, only one bidder will be allowed access at a time, and the bidder must leave the area after the delivery of the documents and signature of the envelope-receipt quittance. Access to the envelope-delivery area must be done with the minimum number of people required to deliver the documents, considering that only the presence of the representatives of the accredited participant is required to deliver the envelopes and sign the Envelope Receipt quittance to be issued by B3.

Area to be auctioned

Public Session of the Portos do Paraná Auction

The public auction session will take place on December 18, starting at 3 pm. Access to the auction site will be ensured to a maximum of three people per bidder, be it individual or consortium, a quantity that represents the totality of those present on behalf of the bidder and their accredited participant, with the presence of both being mandatory so that it is possible to practice all the acts foreseen in the public notice by the bidder. In addition, the entry of the general public, the press, and other interested parties will only be allowed after the entry of the people already mentioned, subject to space limitations.

To guarantee full and unrestricted publicity for the public auction session, all acts will be broadcast live, via streaming, from the time determined for their start (3 pm), on the site http://www.tvb3.com.br, as well as on the B3 channel on YouTube.

Autoridad Portuária recommends the non-attendance at the session of any people who are part of the groups at risk for Covid-19 and reminds that the use of a mask is mandatory during the entire period of stay in the B3 facilities. B3 will make masks and gel alcohol available to all present.

To practice social distancing, those present should remain seated in the previously designated seats spaced 1.50 m apart and should avoid moving the seats during the session.

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