Ports and Terminals

Ports of Paranaguá and Antonina break all time records in 2019

Jan, 06, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202002

The Port of Paranaguá registered 53,098,566 tons of throughput in 2019. This figure broke the 2018 record of 53,029,221 tons. In Antonina, another port in the state of Paraná, throughput increased by 17% compared to 2018, reaching 908,377 tons. Together the ports of Paraná had the best ever year, in spite of the drop in Brazilian soybean exports.

According to the CEO of APPA (Administration of Paraná and Antonina Ports), Luiz Fernando Garcia, “It was a challenging year, in which efficiency was crucial in maintaining the high rate of productivity. Our ports have clear rules for loading and discharging operations, excellent infrastructure and well qualified staff. We have earned the trust of the national and international markets”.

According to data from Brazil’s Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services, a trade surplus of almost US $ 4 billion was registered. Exports totaled US $ 15.4 billion while imports registered US $ 11.6 billion.

Grains – Despite a 26% drop in soybean exports compared to the previous year, grains still led all exports. 2019 saw, 11,290,203 tons  of soybeans shipped. The best performing cereal was corn, which grew 420%, reaching 5,670,500 tons. Meal products reached 5,175,627 tons. All in all exports of cereals broke a new record, with 20.23 million tons shipped. In Antonina Port, meal products grew 18% to 300,072 tons.

Sugar exports totaled 2,619,011 tons out of Paranaguá and 48,919 tons out of Antonina.

Malt and barley, imported via the port of Paranaguá, totaled 533,878 tons, equivalent to a 54% increase in imports compared to the previous year.

Fertilizers – In Paranaguá 9,393,140 tons of fertilizer were imported this year. In Antonina, a further 559,386 tons were received.

Liquids – Between January and December 2019, exports of liquid bulk totaled 1,375,699 tons, 23% less than in the same period of 2018. Imports were up 5% and reached 5,560,742 tons. In all, there were 6,936,441 tons of liquids handled, 2% less than the previous year.

Containers – Container throughput grew 12% with 432,096 units exported and 431,918 imported.

Countries – The main destinations for products exported through the ports of Parana were China (11.3 million tons), Iran (3.1 million), Japan (1.9 million), the Netherlands (1.7 million) and South Korea. (1.3 million).

In imports, products came mainly from the United States (3.2 million tons), China (2.2 million), Russia (1.6 million), Canada (1 million) and Morocco (981,404).

The number of ship calls in 2019 was 3% higher than in 2018. There were 2,398 calls this year, compared to 2,323 in 2018.

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