Port Rankings

Ports Ranking | DataLiner | Jan-Mar 2022 vs. Jan-Mar 2023 | Brazil and Plate

May, 05, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202321

See below the recently unveiled ranking of ports in Brazil and the Plate region (which encompasses Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay) in terms of containerized cargo handling during the first quarter of 2023 in comparison to the same period of the previous year. The data used to formulate the rankings below were gathered using DataLiner, Datamar’s cutting-edge business intelligence platform.


Keeping its traditional score regarding containerized cargo exports, the Port of Santos ranked first in the 1st quarter of 2023, with 228,935 TEUs handled, a performance that reveals a 20.23% drop compared to the same period last year.

The Port of Paranaguá, which ranked second in containerized cargo exports, handled 106,396 TEU between January and March this year, 11.22% more than in the same period last year. See more information in the table below:

Ranking of Brazilian Ports | Exports | Jan-Mar 2022 vs. Jan-Mar 2023 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Mar | 2022 Jan-Mar | 2023 % Change
1 1 SANTOS 286.997 228.935 -20.23%
2 2 PARANAGUA 95.666 106.396 11.22%
3 3 NAVEGANTES 98.004 95.530 -2.52%
4 4 ITAPOA 47.483 54.249 14.25%
5 5 RIO GRANDE 44.458 44.102 -0.80%
6 6 SALVADOR 19.171 20.241 5.58%
7 7 RIO DE JANEIRO 22.947 16.848 -26.58%
8 8 VILA DO CONDE 13.314 9.103 -31.62%
9 9 VITORIA 11.925 8.390 -29.64%
10 10 NATAL 5.147 7.554 46.76%
11 11 PECEM 8.293 4.540 -45.26%
12 12 ITAGUAI 4.035 4.223 4.66%
13 13 SUAPE 6.250 4.010 -35.84%
14 14 FORTALEZA 7.234 3.869 -46.52%
15 15 MANAUS 4.462 3.472 -22.19%
16 16 ITAJAI 21.225 142 -99.33%
17 OTHERS 197 73 -62.94%
18 TOTAL 696.808 611.677 -12.22%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The ranking of imports via containers also counts with the leadership of the Port of Santos, with 243,098 TEU imported, a number 5.35% lower than that seen last year. However, the Port of Navegantes, the country’s second-largest port in containerized cargo imports, recorded an impressive mark of 107,115 TEU, 52.07% more than in the first quarter of 2022.

In third place, the Port of Paranaguá imported 61,243 TEU, while Itapoá, in fourth place, saw 53,525 TEU in container imports, up 34.17% from the same period of last year. See more information below:

Ranking of Brazilian Ports | Imports | Jan-Mar 2022 vs. Jan-Mar 2023 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Mar | 2022 Jan-Mar | 2023 % Change
1 1 SANTOS 256.836 243.098 -5.35%
2 2 NAVEGANTES 70.439 107.115 52.07%
3 3 PARANAGUA 67.161 61.243 -8.81%
4 4 ITAPOA 39.893 53.525 34.17%
5 5 MANAUS 38.063 44.160 16.02%
6 6 RIO DE JANEIRO 27.859 30.854 10.75%
7 7 SUAPE 21.346 20.376 -4.54%
8 8 RIO GRANDE 12.771 14.804 15.92%
9 9 SALVADOR 15.119 14.594 -3.48%
10 10 VITORIA 14.162 13.539 -4.40%
11 11 PECEM 8.166 8.582 5.09%
12 12 ITAJAI 35.003 2.948 -91.58%
13 13 ITAGUAI 1.327 2.327 75.36%
14 14 VILA DO CONDE 1.707 1.435 -15.93%
15 15 IMBITUBA 0 275 100.00%
16 16 FORTALEZA 342 160 -53.22%
17 OTHERS 187 80 -57.22%
18 TOTAL 610.381 619.116 1.43%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Plate region (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay)

In terms of exports, the Port of Buenos Aires scored the highest among the ports in the Plate region, with 85,355 TEU handled, indicating a simple growth of 1.65% compared to last year, a situation consistent with the current scenario of drought and currency crisis the country is going through.

The port of the Uruguayan capital faced a weak first quarter in container exports, documenting 49,015 TEU, down 16.13% compared to January-March 2022. Even so, the Port of Montevideo finished second in the ranking. See more below:

Ranking of Ports in the Plate Region | Exports | Jan-Mar 2022 vs. Jan-Mar 2023 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Mar | 2022 Jan-Mar | 2023 % Change
1 1 BUENOS AIRES 83.965 85.355 1.65%
2 2 MONTEVIDEO 58.440 49.015 -16.13%
3 3 ZARATE 6.524 5.059 -22.46%
4 4 SAN ANTONIO ESTE 2.162 3.378 56.24%
5 5 ROSARIO 2.161 1.304 -39.66%
6 6 LA PLATA 595 1.285 115.97%
7 7 PUERTO DESEADO 0 346 100.00%
8 8 MAR DEL PLATA 0 70 100.00%
9 9 BAHIA BLANCA 0 8 100.00%
10 TOTAL 153.847 145.820 -5.22%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Last but not least, the port of Buenos Aires saw the importation of 106,473 TEU of containers, a drop of 23.51% over the first quarter of last year, also a reflection of the severe currency crisis and the depletion of dollar reserves in the country. The runner-up in the region was the Port of Montevideo, with 55,929 TEU imported via containers in the three-month period, according to DataLiner data.

Ranking of Ports in the Plate Region | Imports | Jan-Mar 2022 vs. Jan-Mar 2023 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Mar | 2022 Jan-Mar | 2023 % Change
1 1 BUENOS AIRES 139.202 106.473 -23.51%
2 2 MONTEVIDEO 56.302 55.929 -0.66%
3 3 ZARATE 13.026 9.991 -23.30%
4 4 ROSARIO 7.463 4.951 -33.66%
5 5 USHUAIA 2.989 2.419 -19.07%
6 6 PUERTO MADRYN 492 645 31.10%
7 7 PUERTO DESEADO 96 106 10.42%
8 8 LA PLATA 3 73 2333.33%
9 9 BAHIA BLANCA 9 32 255.56%
10 OTHERS 73 14 -80.82%
11 TOTAL 219.655 180.633 -17.76%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

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