Ports and Terminals

Private ports improve environmental performance in Brazil

Dec, 07, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202249

Brazil’s Private Use Terminals (TUPs) scored 61.28 points on the Environmental Performance Index (IDA, in Portuguese) in 2021, repeating the result from 2020. In turn, the TUP associated with the ATP private port terminals association scored 68.67, a result 12% higher than the national average.

These and other data can be found in the IDA Analysis report prepared by the ATP technical team, using official November data from the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq). The report compares the port performance in 2021 and 2020, considering terminals that responded to the survey in those years.

Two types of private terminals had the highest average IDA scores: those that handle containers scored 73.62, and those that transport solid bulk got 66.56, with the average score being 80.08. In addition, the TUPs that operate more than one cargo profile increased their IDA score by 8.9%, from an average of 52.75 to 57.44.

When comparing the regions of the country, the report shows that the private terminals in the Southeast and Midwest regions were the ones that achieved the highest environmental performance, scoring 73.5 and 69.7, respectively.

The terminals in the South region, according to the document, had the highest growth (7.3%), followed by the Midwest region (+5.7%) and Southeast (+1%). Conversely, the North and Northeast regions presented a drop of 6.8% and 6.9%, in that order.

The document also emphasizes that comparing the average score of private terminals to that of public ports is not justified because the questionnaires are different, and TUPs began participating in the IDA in 2017. In contrast, public ports have been evaluated since 2012.

Source: Portos e Navios

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.portosenavios.com.br/noticias/portos-e-logistica/portos-privados-melhoram-indice-de-desempenho-ambiental

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