
Protecting China’s pork herd from African Swine Fever remains complicated, says official

Jul, 21, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202129

China’s efforts to control African swine fever in its herd of pigs remain complicated, with 11 outbreaks already having been officially reported this year and new strains of the virus also present, according to an official in the country’s Ministry of Agriculture on July 20th.

Beijing has been rebuilding its herd of pigs since the virus, first detected in China in 2018, decimated animal and pork production in the main global market.

Industry sources say new outbreaks have been detected in northern and northeastern China this year. Reuters also reported that outbreaks were seen in Sichuan province in the southwest of the country.

“The control and prevention situation is still complicated, and the task remains difficult,” said Xin Guochang, an official with the livestock department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

The risk of new outbreaks persists even as the overall disease situation stabilizes, Xin told reporters.


Source: Money Times

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