ferrovia FCA
Other Logistics

Railway expands volume of steel inputs transported in 2020

May, 24, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202123

Despite the difficulties that the pandemic caused in the country’s logistics last year, the transportation of steel inputs by railways grew on the stretch of the Central-Atlantic Railway Ferrovia Centro-Atlântica (FCA), managed by VLI.

7.52 million tons were transported in 2020 compared to 7.26 million in 2019, which represents a growth of 3.64%. It is a small increase, but mostly due to problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic which restricted the movement of people and caused changes in the operations of industries in the sector.

According to FCA data, in the last five years, 37.73 million tons of steel materials have been transported on the company’s rail network, including sand, limestone, cement, clinker, containers, coke, slag, pig iron, granite, and ores.

According to the concessionaire, it meets the demands of the steel industry through the Central-East corridor, which crosses Greater Belo Horizonte and the Central-West corridor of Minas Gerais, and exports grain through the Tubarão complex, located in Vitória (ES).

The growth in rail cargo transportation was also registered at the Luiz Antonio Mesquita Port Integrator Terminal (TIPLAM), in the Santos region, where total cargo handling increased by 16.3% in 2020, compared to the previous year, and also on the North-Central corridor (Maranhão and Tocantins).

Source: Valor Econômico

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