Port Rankings

Ranking of Brazil and Plate ports | Jan. to Dec. 2020 and Jan. to Dec. 2021

Apr, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202217

See below the port ranking for Brazil and the Plate region in terms of most exported and imported containers in 2021 compared to 2020. The data are from DataLiner.


The Port of Santos maintains the leadership in exports with 1,130,889 TEUs, a slight drop of 0.10% compared to 2020 volumes.

Ranking of Brazilian Ports | Exports | Jan/Dec 2021 vs. Jan/Dec 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Dec | 2021 Jan-Dec | 2020 % Change
1 1 SANTOS 1.130.889 1.132.054 -0.10%
2 2 PARANAGUA 393.865 392.161 0.43%
3 3 NAVEGANTES 387.612 316.375 22.52%
4 4 RIO GRANDE 212.515 228.668 -7.06%
5 5 ITAPOA 188.774 174.702 8.05%
6 6 ITAJAI 134.112 162.605 -17.52%
7 7 SALVADOR 88.165 94.960 -7.16%
8 8 RIO DE JANEIRO 86.856 93.722 -7.33%
9 9 VITORIA 71.616 74.287 -3.60%
10 10 VILA DO CONDE 54.241 51.876 4.56%
11 11 PECEM 47.345 39.157 20.91%
12 12 FORTALEZA 27.947 18.672 49.67%
13 13 SUAPE 26.471 24.200 9.38%
14 14 ITAGUAI 24.387 26.139 -6.70%
15 15 NATAL 23.734 24.034 -1.25%
16 16 MANAUS 17.755 14.941 18.83%
17 OTHERS 891 947 -5.91%
18 TOTAL 2.917.174 2.869.501 1.66%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

There was growth in imports. The Port of Santos handled 1,075,408 TEUs, an increase of 23.77% compared to 2021. Navegantes, in second place, grew 39.34% year on year.

Ranking of Brazilian Ports | Imports | Jan/Dec 2021 vs. Jan/Dec 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Dec | 2021 Jan-Dec | 2020 % Change
1 1 SANTOS 1.075.408 868.857 23.77%
2 2 NAVEGANTES 319.990 229.644 39.34%
3 3 PARANAGUA 286.247 243.085 17.76%
4 4 ITAPOA 212.847 176.319 20.72%
5 5 MANAUS 171.731 166.555 3.11%
6 6 ITAJAI 151.726 140.499 7.99%
7 7 RIO DE JANEIRO 124.844 116.578 7.09%
8 8 SUAPE 87.502 80.722 8.40%
9 9 SALVADOR 72.466 68.052 6.49%
10 10 RIO GRANDE 64.968 67.843 -4.24%
11 11 VITORIA 52.140 57.422 -9.20%
12 12 PECEM 30.111 38.107 -20.98%
13 13 ITAGUAI 15.212 24.093 -36.86%
14 14 VILA DO CONDE 6.345 8.146 -22.11%
15 15 FORTALEZA 2.021 1.603 26.08%
16 16 NATAL 656 425 54.17%
17 OUTROS 452 1.269 -64.38%
18 TOTAL 2.674.665 2.289.219 16.84%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


The Port of Buenos Aires led exports in the Plate region in 2021, with 389,298 TEUs, down 7.85% compared to 2020. The Port of Montevideo ranked second, increasing shipments by 10.46%.

Ranking of Plate region Ports | Exports | Jan/Dec 2021 vs. Jan/Dec 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Dec | 2021 Jan-Dec | 2020 % Change
1 1 BUENOS AIRES 389.298 422.460 -7.85%
2 2 MONTEVIDEO 229.539 207.811 10.46%
3 3 ZARATE 37.298 31.846 17.12%
4 4 ROSARIO 15.850 19.070 -16.88%
5 5 SAN ANTONIO ESTE 12.748 13.334 -4.40%
6 6 PUERTO MADRYN 4.087 7.975 -48.75%
7 7 BAHIA BLANCA 3.608 8.949 -59.68%
8 8 LA PLATA 2.414 729 231.14%
9 TOTAL 694.843 712.173 -2.43%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Regarding imports, the Port of Buenos Aires handled a volume 10.75% higher than 2020, while the second place, Montevideo, handled a volume 33.56% greater.

Ranking of Plate region Ports | Imports | Jan/Dec 2021 vs. Jan/Dec 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Dec | 2021 Jan-Dec | 2020 % Change
1 1 BUENOS AIRES 544.850 491.954 10.75%
2 2 MONTEVIDEO 211.091 158.053 33.56%
3 3 ZARATE 51.431 44.316 16.05%
4 4 ROSARIO 26.745 20.663 29.43%
5 5 USHUAIA 15.212 15.814 -3.81%
6 6 PUERTO MADRYN 1.800 1.967 -8.49%
7 7 PUERTO DESEADO 433 462 -6.28%
8 8 BAHIA BLANCA 198 234 -15.38%
9 9 MAR DEL PLATA 175 125 40.00%
10 10 SANTA FE 131 44 197.73%
11 11 LAS PALMAS +AR 114 104 9.62%
12 12 CAMPANA 25 2 1150.00%
13 13 LA PLATA 22 4 450.00%
14 TOTAL 852.226 733.741 16.15%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

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