Ranking of Brazilian Ports and Plate
Port Rankings

Ranking of Brazilian Ports and Plate | Jan to Nov | 2020 – 2021

Jan, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202203

Check below the ranking of Brazilian ports, as well as ports in the Plate region in terms of container handling in the first eleven months of 2021 and vis-a-vis the same period in 2020. Data are from DataLiner:


In terms of exports, the Port of Santos maintains its lead, with 0.14% in TEUs compared to the same period in 2020. Paranaguá, in second place, fell 0.75%. Navegantes ranked third, had a strong performance, increasing by 22.05 %. Proportionally, the Port of Fortaleza experienced the greatest growth: 54.55 %, with 25,443 TEU.

The Port of Itajaí saw the greatest decline in container exports, with a drop of 18.68 % to the first eleven months of 2020.

Ranking of Brazilian Ports | Exports | Jan/Nov 2021 vs Jan/Nov 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Nov | 2020 Jan-Nov | 2021 % Change
1 1 SANTOS 1,018,168 1,016,774 -0.14%
2 2 PARANAGUA 359,163 356,483 -0.75%
3 3 NAVEGANTES 289,313 353,110 22.05%
4 4 RIO GRANDE 208,722 194,785 -6.68%
5 5 ITAPOA 156,565 169,993 8.58%
6 6 ITAJAI 153,104 124,507 -18.68%
7 7 SALVADOR 87,599 80,528 -8.07%
8 8 RIO DE JANEIRO 85,913 79,867 -7.04%
9 9 VITORIA 67,897 66,809 -1.60%
10 10 VILA DO CONDE 47,619 49,539 4.03%
11 11 PECEM 34,405 42,275 22.87%
12 12 FORTALEZA 16,463 25,443 54.55%
13 13 SUAPE 22,242 22,880 2.87%
14 14 ITAGUAI 23,855 22,368 -6.23%
15 15 NATAL 22,570 20,698 -8.29%
16 16 MANAUS 13,198 16,111 22.07%
17 OTHERS 880 857 -2.61%

Fonte: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

When compared to the same period in 2020, imports at the Port of Santos increased by 25.29% in the first 11 months of 2021. From January to November 2021, the Port of Navegantes increased its container imports by 45.34%.

The Port of Itaguaí experienced the greatest decrease in container imports, importing 33.27 percent less.

Ranking of Brazilian Ports | Imports | Jan/Nov 2021 vs Jan/Nov 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Nov | 2020 Jan-Nov | 2021 % Change
1 1 SANTOS 779,924 977,204 25.29%
2 2 NAVEGANTES 198,501 288,506 45.34%
3 3 PARANAGUA 220,451 260,046 17.96%
4 4 ITAPOA 153,788 193,694 25.95%
5 5 MANAUS 148,253 156,995 5.90%
6 6 ITAJAI 124,535 138,851 11.50%
7 7 RIO DE JANEIRO 103,354 113,871 10.18%
8 8 SUAPE 70,429 80,049 13.66%
9 9 SALVADOR 60,510 67,184 11.03%
10 10 RIO GRANDE 61,087 60,525 -0.92%
11 11 VITORIA 50,974 48,742 -4.38%
12 12 PECEM 34,062 27,468 -19.36%
13 13 ITAGUAI 21,898 14,613 -33.27%
14 14 VILA DO CONDE 7,588 5,992 -21.03%
15 15 FORTALEZA 1,402 1,797 28.17%
16 16 NATAL 412 534 29.45%
17 OTHERS 1,171 447 -61.83%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


With the exception of the Port of La Plata, which increased its containers exports by 214.06% in the period from January to November 2021 compared to 2020, the ports of other Plate countries showed, for the most part, a drop in exports. Buenos Aires, the city with the highest recorded volume, saw a drop of 8.10% when compared to the same period in 2020. The Port of Montevideo, on the other hand, increased by 10%.

Ranking of Ports in the Plate region | Exports | Jan/Nov 2021 vs Jan/Nov 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Nov | 2020 Jan-Nov | 2021 % Change
1 1 BUENOS AIRES 391,837 360,102 -8.10%
2 2 MONTEVIDEO 191,747 210,924 10.00%
3 3 ZARATE 29,665 33,870 14.17%
4 4 ROSARIO 17,640 13,936 -21.00%
5 5 SAN ANTONIO ESTE 13,334 12,748 -4.40%
6 6 PUERTO MADRYN 7,235 4,087 -43.51%
7 7 BAHIA BLANCA 8,516 3,608 -57.63%
8 8 LA PLATA 697 2,189 214.06%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Most ports in the Plate region grew in terms of imports. The Port of Buenos Aires increased the number of TEUs received by 10.76%. The second place in the ranking, the Port of Montevideo, grew 36.09% in the period.

Ranking of Ports in the Plate region | Imports | Jan/Nov 2021 vs Jan/Nov 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Ports Jan-Nov | 2020 Jan-Nov | 2021 % Change
1 1 BUENOS AIRES 446,918 494,989 10.76%
2 2 MONTEVIDEO 140,512 191,222 36.09%
3 3 ZARATE 41,427 45,418 9.63%
4 4 ROSARIO 18,468 23,083 24.99%
5 5 USHUAIA 14,593 14,110 -3.31%
6 6 PUERTO MADRYN 1,802 1,747 -3.05%
7 7 PUERTO DESEADO 443 400 -9.71%
8 8 BAHIA BLANCA 219 191 -12.79%
9 9 MAR DEL PLATA 116 173 49.14%
10 10 SANTA FE 42 121 188.10%
11 11 LAS PALMAS +AR 17 114 570.59%
12 12 CAMPANA 0 25 100.00%
13 13 LA PLATA 4 22 450.00%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

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