
Ranking of Commodities on the East Coast of South America | Jan-Dec 2024 vs. Jan-Dec 2023 | DataLiner

Feb, 25, 2025 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202508

Read this article to find out which commodities were the most traded in containers along the East Coast of South America—specifically Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay—in 2024 compared to the previous year. The data was compiled by Datamar’s Business Intelligence team.


Meat topped Brazil’s containerized export rankings in 2024, with volumes up 10.3% from the previous year, followed by wood, which saw a 12.7% increase in shipments. Cotton exports recorded the most significant surge, rising by 73.5%.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Brazil | Jan-Dec 2024 vs. Jan-Dec 2023 | TEU | Exports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 1 MEAT 682.927 618.889 10.3%
2 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 2 WOOD 406.018 360.300 12.7%
3 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 3 COTTON 235.377 135.683 73.5%
4 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 4 COFFEE TEA MATE & SPICES 172.578 134.869 28.0%
5 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 5 WOOD PULP 170.147 141.283 20.4%
6 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 6 PAPER 159.439 129.399 23.2%
7 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 7 SUGAR 117.462 114.456 2.6%
8 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 8 PLASTICS 92.657 94.538 -2.0%
9 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 9 STEEL PRODUCTS 87.958 93.254 -5.7%
10 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 10 FRUIT 74.492 81.256 -8.3%
11 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 11 REACTORS BOILERS & MACHINES 70.284 77.946 -09.8%
12 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 12 FOOD RESIDUES 63.342 57.878 9.4%
13 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 13 VEGETABLES 55.528 45.540 21.9%
14 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 14 VEHICLES & AUTOPARTS 48.227 57.457 -16.1%
15 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 15 TOBACCO 45.547 49.340 -7.7%
16 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 16 PROCESSED FOODS 43.786 40.090 9.2%
17 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 17 RUBBER 41.191 42.917 -4.0%
18 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 18 STONES PRODUCTS 40.971 42.460 -3.5%
19 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 19 CERAMICS 37.425 37.657 -0.6%
20 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 20 LEATHERS & HIDES 35.751 26.018 37.4%
21 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 21 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS 34.534 33.198 4.0%
22 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 22 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 32.978 28.049 17.6%
23 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 23 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 32.748 30.583 7.1%
24 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 24 FURNITURE 28.429 27.550 3.2%
25 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 25 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 27.385 22.946 19.3%
26 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 26 FRUIT JUICE 25.371 28.715 -11.6%
27 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 27 CHEMICALS 22.974 22.763 0.9%
28 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 28 GLYCEROL 22.729 17.659 28.7%
29 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 29 ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS 18.064 15.656 15.4%
30 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 30 VEGETABLE OIL & FATS 15.380 15.798 -2.7%
31 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 31 GLASS 14.497 6.831 112.2%
32 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 32 PERFUMERY & COSMETICS 13.723 12.560 9.3%
33 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 33 ENZYMES GLUES & GELATIN 12.425 11.092 12.0%
34 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 34 CLOTHING 10.447 12.009 -13.0%
35 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 35 OTHER MINERALS SUBSTANCES 10.359 11.438 -09.4%
36 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 36 GRAIN 10.349 11.983 -13.6%
37 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 37 ASBESTOS 10.207 10.032 1.7%
38 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 38 TEXTILES 9.568 9.867 -3.0%
39 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 39 FLOURS MALT & STARCHES 8.245 6.882 19.8%
40 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 40 COPPER PRODUCTS 7.489 5.780 29.6%
41 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 41 MANGANESE ORE 7.418 3.303 124.6%
42 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 42 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 7.030 9.954 -29.4%
43 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 43 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 6.926 5.617 23.3%
44 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 44 ETHANOL 6.596 5.993 10.1%
45 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 45 HAND TOOLS 6.322 6.590 -4.1%
46 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 46 BEVERAGES & VINEGAR 5.480 5.940 -7.7%
47 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 47 PAINTS DYES & VARNISHES 5.158 4.848 6.4%
48 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 48 MARBLE & GRANITE 4.797 4.144 15.8%
49 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 49 KAOLIN 4.768 3.781 26.1%
50 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM 50 OTHERS 64.325 56.370 14.1%
51 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:28 PM TOTAL 3.167.828 2.829.161 12.0%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

On the import side, plastics led Brazil’s inbound containerized trade in 2024, with volumes up 24.8% compared to the same period in 2023. Reactors, boilers, and machinery followed with a 24.1% increase, while electrical equipment saw a 15.4% rise.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Brazil | Jan-Dec 2024 vs. Jan-Dec 2023 | TEU | Imports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 1 PLASTICS 439.556 352.350 24.8%
2 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 2 REACTORS BOILERS & MACHINES 388.082 312.683 24.1%
3 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 3 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS 367.163 318.217 15.4%
4 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 4 VEHICLES & AUTOPARTS 346.646 238.993 45.0%
5 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 5 RUBBER 180.067 138.854 29.7%
6 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 6 TEXTILES 169.501 142.571 18.9%
7 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 7 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 156.447 120.701 29.6%
8 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 8 STEEL PRODUCTS 128.118 110.599 15.8%
9 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 9 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 96.847 111.133 -12.9%
10 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 10 PESTICIDES 65.187 48.940 33.2%
11 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 11 FERTILIZERS 60.420 49.969 20.9%
12 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 12 GLASS 58.300 57.505 1.4%
13 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 13 PAPER 56.531 50.077 12.9%
14 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 14 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 55.091 47.044 17.1%
15 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 15 PROCESSED FOODS 49.630 44.944 10.4%
16 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 16 FURNITURE 48.712 35.095 38.8%
17 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 17 CLOTHING 44.877 37.189 20.7%
18 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 18 CHEMICALS 40.853 35.195 16.1%
19 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 19 TOYS GAMES & SPORTS ARTICLES 40.842 29.840 36.9%
20 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 20 BEVERAGES & VINEGAR 38.744 38.885 -0.4%
21 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 21 ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS 36.963 34.106 8.4%
22 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 22 PAINTS DYES & VARNISHES 28.543 24.141 18.2%
23 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 23 FRUIT 28.237 18.970 48.8%
24 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 24 LEATHERS & HIDES 24.787 21.310 16.3%
25 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 25 HAND TOOLS 24.073 24.657 -2.4%
26 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 26 INSTRUMENTS 23.854 21.290 12.0%
27 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 27 SOAPS WAXES & TAPERS 18.999 17.618 7.8%
28 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 28 VEGETABLES 17.245 13.721 25.7%
29 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 29 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 17.121 16.912 1.2%
30 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 30 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 16.494 15.659 5.3%
31 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 31 COPPER PRODUCTS 14.529 13.016 11.6%
32 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 32 VEGETABLE OIL & FATS 13.123 12.495 5.0%
33 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 33 FOOD RESIDUES 12.874 9.933 29.6%
34 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 34 ENZYMES GLUES & GELATIN 12.732 11.490 10.8%
35 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 35 OTHER MINERALS SUBSTANCES 12.410 10.995 12.9%
36 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 36 SEAFOOD 11.576 10.753 7.7%
37 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 37 CERAMICS 10.873 10.986 -1.0%
38 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 38 WOOD PULP 10.433 8.530 22.3%
39 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 39 CEMENT 10.353 10.552 -1.9%
40 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 40 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 10.085 8.813 14.4%
41 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 41 STONES PRODUCTS 9.753 9.385 3.9%
42 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 42 PERFUMERY & COSMETICS 8.840 8.486 4.2%
43 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 43 MACHINES & APPLIANCES 6.805 4.335 57.0%
44 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 44 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 6.742 6.757 -0.2%
45 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 45 FLOURS MALT & STARCHES 6.205 4.990 24.3%
46 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 46 COCOA 6.096 5.664 7.6%
47 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 47 COTTON 5.907 4.277 38.1%
48 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 48 SOLID FUELS 5.838 6.346 -8.0%
49 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 49 WOOD 5.651 5.181 9.1%
50 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM 50 OTHERS 64.080 57.294 11.8%
51 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:31 PM TOTAL 3.312.835 2.749.446 20.5%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


Meat was also Argentina’s top containerized export in 2024, with volumes 4.5% higher than in 2023. Vegetables, however, saw a slight decline of 1.6%, while seafood exports grew by 10.2%.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Argentina | Jan-Dec 2024 vs. Jan-Dec 2023 | TEU | Exports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 1 MEAT 79.268 75.859 4.5%
2 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 2 VEGETABLES 74.359 73.180 1.6%
3 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 3 SEAFOOD 34.685 31.470 10.2%
4 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 4 WOOD 30.277 23.598 28.3%
5 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 5 PLASTICS 27.252 22.482 21.2%
6 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 6 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 25.327 23.385 8.3%
7 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 7 FRUIT 22.442 24.026 -6.6%
8 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 8 LEATHERS & HIDES 15.933 16.504 -3.5%
9 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 9 FOOD RESIDUES 15.813 12.726 24.3%
10 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 10 PROCESSED FOODS 15.651 14.900 5.0%
11 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 11 GRAIN 13.722 12.615 8.8%
12 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 12 VEGETABLE OIL & FATS 13.492 11.686 15.5%
13 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 13 COTTON 10.773 4.177 157.9%
14 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 14 STEEL PRODUCTS 10.754 9.452 13.8%
15 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 15 COFFEE TEA MATE & SPICES 9.555 8.188 16.7%
16 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 16 CHEMICALS 7.908 5.765 37.2%
17 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 17 FRUIT JUICE 6.895 6.834 0.9%
18 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 18 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 5.967 4.384 36.1%
19 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 19 REACTORS BOILERS & MACHINES 5.716 6.770 -15.6%
20 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 20 PAPER 4.878 1.852 163.4%
21 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 21 TOBACCO 4.725 5.214 -09.4%
22 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 22 ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS 4.345 3.340 30.1%
23 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 23 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 4.051 3.191 27.0%
24 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 24 WOOD PULP 3.984 2.866 39.0%
25 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 25 RUBBER 2.779 2.988 -7.0%
26 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 26 BEVERAGES & VINEGAR 2.728 3.579 -23.8%
27 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 27 PAINTS DYES & VARNISHES 2.579 2.301 12.1%
28 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 28 FLOURS MALT & STARCHES 2.456 2.195 11.9%
29 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 29 VEHICLES & AUTOPARTS 2.422 2.962 -18.2%
30 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 30 MISCELLANEOUS ORES 2.309 2.098 10.0%
31 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 31 PERFUMERY & COSMETICS 2.090 1.875 11.4%
32 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 32 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 1.791 1.331 34.5%
33 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 33 ENZYMES GLUES & GELATIN 1.732 1.333 30.0%
34 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 34 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 1.643 1.761 -6.7%
35 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 35 OTHER MINERALS SUBSTANCES 1.402 1.097 27.8%
36 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 36 GLASS 1.205 1.488 -19.0%
37 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 37 SUGAR 788 512 53.8%
38 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 38 EMPTY CONTAINERS 709 1.018 -30.4%
39 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 39 ZINC ORE 683 856 -20.2%
40 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 40 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS 662 602 9.8%
41 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 41 PESTICIDES 620 578 7.4%
42 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 42 GLYCEROL 616 283 117.7%
43 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 43 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 610 763 -20.0%
44 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 44 SOAPS WAXES & TAPERS 538 706 -23.8%
45 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 45 MACHINES & APPLIANCES 482 841 -42.7%
46 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 46 LEAD ORE 417 83 402.4%
47 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 47 VEGETABLE GUMS EXTRACTS & RESINS 366 441 -16.9%
48 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 48 COCONUTS & NUTS 345 330 4.7%
49 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 49 FERTILIZERS 306 345 -11.4%
50 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM 50 OTHERS 2.794 2.896 -3.5%
51 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:33 PM TOTAL 482.844 439.726 9.8%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Argentina’s leading containerized imports in 2024 were reactors, boilers, and machinery, though volumes dropped 25.3% from the previous year. Vehicles and auto parts followed, with a 6.1% decline, while plastics saw a 13.8% decrease.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Argentina | Jan-Dec 2024 vs. Jan-Dec 2023 | TEU | Imports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 1 REACTORS BOILERS & MACHINES 68.743 91.991 -25.3%
2 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 2 VEHICLES & AUTOPARTS 67.793 72.210 -6.1%
3 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 3 PLASTICS 53.278 61.777 -13.8%
4 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 4 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS 41.001 50.852 -19.4%
5 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 5 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 34.747 34.815 -0.2%
6 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 6 STEEL PRODUCTS 20.704 26.386 -21.5%
7 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 7 RUBBER 17.810 21.870 -18.6%
8 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 8 TEXTILES 16.396 19.953 -17.8%
9 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 9 FURNITURE 12.940 13.754 -5.9%
10 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 10 PAPER 11.361 14.383 -21.0%
11 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 11 CLOTHING 11.256 11.357 -0.9%
12 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 12 CHEMICALS 10.714 12.598 -15.0%
13 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 13 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 9.690 11.032 -12.2%
14 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 14 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 7.984 12.566 -36.5%
15 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 15 PESTICIDES 7.326 5.725 28.0%
16 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 16 TOYS GAMES & SPORTS ARTICLES 7.149 8.271 -13.6%
17 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 17 GLASS 5.650 5.018 12.6%
18 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 18 PROCESSED FOODS 5.615 5.978 -6.1%
19 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 19 SOAPS WAXES & TAPERS 5.541 6.744 -17.8%
20 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 20 INSTRUMENTS 5.270 5.921 -11.0%
21 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 21 ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS 5.119 7.472 -31.5%
22 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 22 FERTILIZERS 4.859 4.083 19.0%
23 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 23 PAINTS DYES & VARNISHES 4.478 5.862 -23.6%
24 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 24 PERFUMERY & COSMETICS 3.759 5.029 -25.2%
25 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 25 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 3.757 4.345 -13.5%
26 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 26 LEATHERS & HIDES 3.426 4.341 -21.1%
27 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 27 HAND TOOLS 3.329 3.608 -7.8%
28 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 28 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 3.267 3.810 -14.3%
29 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 29 CERAMICS 2.952 3.949 -25.3%
30 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 30 ENZYMES GLUES & GELATIN 2.675 3.306 -19.1%
31 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 31 CEMENT 2.465 3.010 -18.1%
32 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 32 STONES PRODUCTS 2.326 2.700 -13.9%
33 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 33 SOLID FUELS 2.250 1.327 69.5%
34 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 34 BEVERAGES & VINEGAR 2.204 2.323 -5.1%
35 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 35 VEGETABLES 1.673 2.394 -30.1%
36 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 36 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 1.672 1.630 2.6%
37 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 37 COFFEE TEA MATE & SPICES 1.585 2.335 -32.1%
38 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 38 WOOD 1.565 1.716 -8.8%
39 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 39 SEAFOOD 1.361 1.426 -4.6%
40 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 40 COCOA 1.318 1.493 -11.7%
41 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 41 VEGETABLE OIL & FATS 1.316 1.644 -20.0%
42 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 42 FOOD RESIDUES 1.312 1.466 -10.5%
43 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 43 OTHER MINERALS SUBSTANCES 1.235 1.375 -10.2%
44 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 44 COPPER PRODUCTS 1.223 1.913 -36.1%
45 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 45 ZINC PRODUCTS 1.048 1.161 -09.7%
46 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 46 KAOLIN 972 1.239 -21.6%
47 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 47 FRUIT 930 924 0.7%
48 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 48 GRAIN 812 1.622 -50.0%
49 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 49 FLOURS MALT & STARCHES 773 931 -17.0%
50 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM 50 OTHERS 7.189 8.282 -13.2%
51 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:35 PM TOTAL 493.818 579.917 -14.8%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Paraguay & Uruguay

In Paraguay and Uruguay, wood was the top containerized export in 2024, with volumes rising 15.6% year-over-year. Meat ranked second despite a 2.9% decline, while animal-based products saw a 14.2% increase.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Plate | Jan-Dec 2024 vs. Jan-Dec 2023 | TEU | Exports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 1 WOOD 55.489 47.994 15.6%
2 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 2 MEAT 44.487 45.822 -2.9%
3 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 3 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 16.628 14.560 14.2%
4 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 4 GRAIN 14.870 15.469 -3.9%
5 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 5 FOOD RESIDUES 13.345 9.547 39.8%
6 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 6 SEAFOOD 11.934 12.473 -4.3%
7 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 7 VEGETABLES 7.447 6.844 8.8%
8 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 8 LEATHERS & HIDES 4.664 3.880 20.2%
9 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 9 FRUIT 4.407 5.081 -13.3%
10 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 10 WOOD PULP 3.853 1.424 170.6%
11 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 11 STEEL PRODUCTS 3.429 3.085 11.2%
12 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 12 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 2.895 2.171 33.4%
13 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 13 FLOURS MALT & STARCHES 2.525 1.628 55.1%
14 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 14 PERFUMERY & COSMETICS 2.308 2.170 6.3%
15 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 15 PAPER 2.304 1.277 80.4%
16 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 16 SUGAR 2.168 2.132 1.7%
17 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 17 PROCESSED FOODS 2.041 1.409 44.8%
18 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 18 PRECIOUS METALS & JEWELRY 1.917 1.085 76.6%
19 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 19 VEGETABLE OIL & FATS 1.572 1.754 -10.4%
20 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 20 PLASTICS 1.480 1.082 36.8%
21 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 21 ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS 1.342 901 49.0%
22 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 22 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 1.338 1.150 16.3%
23 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 23 COTTON 1.297 674 92.4%
24 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 24 REACTORS BOILERS & MACHINES 795 1.044 -23.8%
25 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 25 TEXTILES 751 695 8.0%
26 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 26 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS 731 471 55.3%
27 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 27 BEVERAGES & VINEGAR 662 548 21.0%
28 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 28 TOBACCO 591 516 14.6%
29 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 29 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 579 497 16.4%
30 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 30 COPPER PRODUCTS 469 650 -27.8%
31 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 31 CHEMICALS 462 302 53.2%
32 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 32 FRUIT JUICE 453 390 16.3%
33 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 33 EMPTY CONTAINERS 451 789 -42.8%
34 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 34 VEHICLES & AUTOPARTS 433 303 42.8%
35 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 35 FURNITURE 396 191 107.0%
36 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 36 COFFEE TEA MATE & SPICES 360 516 -30.3%
37 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 37 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 325 302 7.5%
38 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 38 SOAPS WAXES & TAPERS 286 331 -13.4%
39 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 39 ENZYMES GLUES & GELATIN 277 579 -52.2%
40 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 40 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 228 237 -3.7%
41 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 41 GLYCEROL 203 42 383.3%
42 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 42 COCOA 201 99 103.0%
43 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 43 PAINTS DYES & VARNISHES 184 185 -0.7%
44 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 44 LEAD PRODUCTS 165 134 23.1%
45 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 45 TOYS GAMES & SPORTS ARTICLES 137 56 143.2%
46 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 46 CLOTHING 133 174 -23.7%
47 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 47 MACHINES & APPLIANCES 115 175 -34.3%
48 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 48 MARBLE & GRANITE 111 157 -29.3%
49 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 49 RUBBER 86 136 -37.0%
50 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM 50 OTHERS 600 646 -7.1%
51 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:37 PM TOTAL 213.924 193.777 10.4%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

For imports, vehicles and auto parts led the ranking in 2024, with a 9.9% increase in volume. Reactors, boilers, and machinery followed with a 15.4% rise, while rubber imports dipped by 2.8%.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Plate | Jan-Dec 2024 vs. Jan-Dec 2023 | TEU | Imports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 1 VEHICLES & AUTOPARTS 43.129 39.240 9.9%
2 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 2 REACTORS BOILERS & MACHINES 42.697 37.004 15.4%
3 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 3 RUBBER 25.733 26.487 -2.8%
4 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 4 PLASTICS 23.161 20.091 15.3%
5 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 5 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS 19.149 19.082 0.3%
6 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 6 STEEL PRODUCTS 12.939 17.232 -24.9%
7 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 7 FURNITURE 8.817 7.649 15.3%
8 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 8 CLOTHING 8.257 8.068 2.3%
9 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 9 BEVERAGES & VINEGAR 7.285 10.385 -29.8%
10 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 10 TEXTILES 6.773 7.365 -8.0%
11 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 11 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 6.546 5.444 20.2%
12 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 12 PROCESSED FOODS 5.702 5.466 4.3%
13 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 13 PESTICIDES 5.680 5.017 13.2%
14 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 14 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 5.568 8.601 -35.3%
15 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 15 PAPER 5.256 4.824 9.0%
16 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 16 TOYS GAMES & SPORTS ARTICLES 5.108 4.699 8.7%
17 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 17 PERFUMERY & COSMETICS 4.446 3.671 21.1%
18 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 18 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 4.233 4.463 -5.2%
19 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 19 GLASS 3.651 2.289 59.5%
20 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 20 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 2.695 2.356 14.4%
21 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 21 LEATHERS & HIDES 2.646 2.647 0.0%
22 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 22 HAND TOOLS 2.560 2.323 10.2%
23 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 23 CHEMICALS 2.477 1.995 24.2%
24 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 24 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 2.453 2.203 11.3%
25 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 25 ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS 2.367 1.766 34.0%
26 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 26 CERAMICS 2.351 2.256 4.2%
27 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 27 SUGAR 1.936 1.115 73.7%
28 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 28 SOAPS WAXES & TAPERS 1.907 1.645 16.0%
29 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 29 INSTRUMENTS 1.901 1.768 7.5%
30 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 30 FERTILIZERS 1.892 1.741 8.7%
31 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 31 VEGETABLES 1.793 1.656 8.3%
32 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 32 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 1.592 1.618 -1.6%
33 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 33 VEGETABLE OIL & FATS 1.521 1.434 6.1%
34 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 34 COCOA 1.280 1.174 9.1%
35 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 35 PAINTS DYES & VARNISHES 1.069 992 7.8%
36 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 36 WOOD 964 946 2.0%
37 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 37 OTHER MINERALS SUBSTANCES 934 1.029 -09.2%
38 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 38 SEAFOOD 786 849 -7.5%
39 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 39 STONES PRODUCTS 715 729 -1.9%
40 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 40 FOOD RESIDUES 695 667 4.1%
41 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 41 TOBACCO 676 329 105.2%
42 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 42 MEAT 652 647 0.7%
43 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 43 FLOURS MALT & STARCHES 637 613 3.8%
44 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 44 CEMENT 592 595 -0.5%
45 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 45 COTTON 566 635 -10.9%
46 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 46 COFFEE TEA MATE & SPICES 484 397 22.0%
47 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 47 FRUIT 430 495 -13.0%
48 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 48 MACHINES & APPLIANCES 390 215 81.6%
49 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 49 ENZYMES GLUES & GELATIN 372 414 -10.1%
50 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM 50 OTHERS 2.802 4.702 -40.4%
51 I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM I_write_a_lot 24/02/2025 12:39 PM TOTAL 288.265 279.028 3.3%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

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