Tank and Reefer

Ranking of exported goods via reefer container | Jan to Nov 2019-2020 – Brazil

Jan, 12, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202101

Data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX) compiled by the Brazilian Refrigerators Association (ABRAFRIGO) show that in 2020, the country’s beef exports (fresh and processed) reached 2.016 million tons and generated US$ 8.4 billion, record results guaranteed by strong demand from China. According to ABPA (the Brazilian animal-protein association), international sales of pork (including all products, fresh and processed) totaled 1.021 million tons in the 12 months of 2020, a number 36.1% higher than that registered in 2019, when 750.3 thousand tons were exported. In relation to chicken meat, sales in 2020 reached 4.230 million tons, exceeding the total shipped in 2019, 4.214 million tons, by 0.4%. These positive numbers led to an increase in the demand for reefer containers, essential to ensure the conservation of exported products. In 2020, the use of reefer containers in Brazil grew 7% compared to 2019, according to data from DataLiner.

Consult the chart below for the history of monthly Brazilian container exports since 2016:

Reefer Container Handling in Brazil | Jan 2016 to Nov 2020 | TEU

Source: DataLiner

But it was not just animal proteins that drove the increase in demand for reefer containers. Exports of fruits and medicines also motivated the high demand for this type of container. Consult the chart below for the most exported goods via reefer container in the period from January to November 2020 and their comparison with the same period in 2019:

Ranking of Brazilian Goods exported via Reefer Container | Jan to Nov 2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Produtos 2019 2020 Dif. %
1 1 Carnes das Aves 280.236 277.832 -0.86%
2 2 Carne Bovina 90.086 103.908 15.34%
3 3 Carne Suina 36.245 54.872 51.39%
4 4 Melões, Melancias e Mamões 26.693 28.439 6.54%
5 5 Tamaras, Figos, Abacaxis, Abacates, Goiabas, Mangas e Mangostões 16.667 18.916 13.49%
6 6 Sucos de fruta 16.438 17.635 7.28%
7 7 Miudezas Comestíveis de Animais 14.231 14.679 3.15%
8 8 Outras preparações e conservas de Carne, de Miudezas ou de Sangue 11.224 11.421 1.76%
9 9 Citros 8.339 9.550 14.52%
10 10 Carnes e Miudezas, Comestíveis, Salgadas ou em Salmoura 9.013 9.389 4.16%
11 11 Uvas Frescas ou Secas 6.212 6.972 12.23%
12 12 Enchidos e Produtos Semelhantes, de Carne, de Miudezas ou de Sangue 6.576 6.579 0.04%
13 13 Tripas, Bexigas e Estomagos, de Animais, Inteiros ou em Pedaços 7.164 6.563 -8.38%
14 14 Carnes de Animais da Especie Bovina, Frescas ou Refrigeradas 7.782 6.525 -16.15%
15 15 Maçãs, Peras e Marmelos 5.446 5.904 8.41%
16 16 Materias Vegetais e Desperdicios Vegetais 4.769 4.792 0.47%
17 17 Produtos de Origem Animal 3.499 3.709 5.99%
18 18 Medicamentos 1.916 2.872 49.89%
19 19 Gengibre, Acafrão, Curcuma, Tomilho, Louro, Caril e Outras Especiarias 2.013 2.449 21.70%
20 20 Peixes Congelados 2.235 2.311 3.38%
21 Total 556.785 595.315 6.92%
22 Outros 16.835 16.175 -3.92%
23 Grande Total 573.619 611.490 6.60%

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

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