Ports and Terminals

Ranking of Port Terminals – January to May 2020/21

Jul, 20, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202129

See below a ranking of the Brazilian port terminals that stood out in the handling of containers between January and May 2021 and a comparison with the same period in 2020 according to data from DataLiner:


BTP was the terminal that most exported in the first five months of 2021, with 249,239 TEU, a growth of 4.07% compared to the same period in 2020. Santos Brasil follows in second place, with a growth of 21.59%. Portonave came in third, exporting 25.63% more cargo.

In general, port terminals exported 1,186,471 TEU between January and May 2021, a growth of 9.27% ​​compared to the same period in 2020.

Ranking of Port Terminals – Exports | Jan-May 2020-2021 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Terminal Jan-May | 2020 Jan-May | 2021 % Change
1 1 BTP 239,503 249,239 4.07%
2 2 SANTOS BRASIL 128,390 156,110 21.59%
3 3 PORTONAVE 120,786 151,741 25.63%
4 4 DP WORLD SANTOS 84,763 93,289 10.06%
5 5 TECON RIO GRANDE 85,373 87,184 2.12%
6 6 TCP 73,920 78,776 6.57%
7 7 ITAPOA 68,190 77,205 13.22%
8 8 CAIS COMERCIAL (PARANAGUA) 81,700 73,952 -9.48%
9 9 APM TERMINALS ITAJAI 62,775 58,301 -7.13%
10 10 MULTI-RIO 26,539 32,566 22.71%
11 11 TECON SALVADOR 31,453 32,467 3.23%
12 12 TMUT (VILA DO CONDE) 19,147 23,551 23.00%
13 13 CAIS COMERCIAL (FORTALEZA) 8,105 13,860 71.01%
14 14 SEPETIBA TECON 8,743 10,346 18.34%
15 15 ICTSI RIO BRASIL 1 13,645 9,790 -28.25%
16 TOTAL 1,053,032 1,148,380 9.05%
17 OTHERS 32,761 38,091 16.27%
18 GRAND TOTAL 1,085,793 1,186,471 9.27%

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)


Santos leads imports, unloading 238,037 TEU between January and May 2021, a growth of 36.52% over the same period in 2020. Following in second place, BTP imported 183,087 TEU, 3.07% more than in the same comparison with 2020. Portonave, in third place, imported 142,799 TEU, a growth of 68.84% in the period.

Overall, port terminals imported 1,179,412 TEU between January and May 2021, 24.38% more than the same period in 2020.

Ranking of Port Terminals – Imports | Jan-May 2020-2021 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Terminal Jan-May | 2020 Jan-May | 2021 % Change
1 1 SANTOS BRASIL 174,359 238,037 36.52%
2 2 BTP 177,642 183,087 3.07%
3 3 PORTONAVE 84,575 142,799 68.84%
4 4 ITAPOA 73,768 89,975 21.97%
5 5 DP WORLD SANTOS 72,608 84,932 16.97%
6 6 APM TERMINALS ITAJAI 54,288 71,800 32.26%
7 7 CAIS COMERCIAL (PARANAGUA) 50,261 61,304 21.97%
8 8 TCP 43,419 57,744 32.99%
9 9 CHIBATAO 34,587 44,310 28.11%
10 10 MULTI-RIO 28,547 39,150 37.14%
11 11 TECON SUAPE 27,146 30,743 13.25%
12 12 TECON RIO GRANDE 27,748 29,268 5.48%
13 13 TECON SALVADOR 19,638 27,479 39.93%
14 14 SUPER TERMINAIS 20,412 22,157 8.55%
15 15 ICTSI RIO BRASIL 1 23,879 20,097 -15.84%
16 TOTAL 912,876 1,142,881 25.20%
17 OTHERS 35,369 36,531 3.28%
18 GRAND TOTAL 948,245 1,179,412 24.38%


Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

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